Ms Dorothee Ritz

General Manager
Microsoft Austria
Dorothee Ritz has been General Manager of Microsoft in Austria since July 2015 and in her role wants to actively shape the digital transformation process in Austria. Ritz has been working for Microsoft in various managing positions since 2004. Before joining Microsoft in Austria, she led the Microsoft International Business Strategy for the president of Microsoft International, who is responsible for Microsoft’s business outside of the U.S. Previously, she had been part of the German leadership team as a General Manager for Consumer & Online as well as Advertising & Online. Some of her major successes at Microsoft include the implementation of a strategy for the mobile first, cloud first world as well as driving solutions for the challenges of the digital transformation. Ritz was also responsible for expanding the business of MSN, Hotmail, the successful launches of Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 9. Before joining Microsoft in Germany, Dorothee Ritz was a co-founding member of the German Xchanging Gmbh and worked for Bertelsmann AG in the Online Services & New Media sector. She was also part of the founding team of AOL Europe and part of the AOL management team in Australia. Dorothee Ritz is married with two children and beside her job, is also actively engaged for the German child aid organization Plan International Germany. She has a master’s degree in European Community Law of the University of London and a Doctor’s degree in Law with an emphasis in online law