Mr Klaus Peter Wegge

Head of the Siemens Accessibility competence Center
For more than 25 years Klaus-Peter Wegge is working for Siemens as principal consultant with special focus on Accessibility. In 2000 he became head of the Siemens Accessibility Competence Center and assumed responsibility for the Siemens Accessibility Initiative, a corporate Siemens-wide joint effort to improve the accessibility of Siemens' products and services. Mr. Wegge is blind, and therefore knows from his own living and working the problems and barriers persons with disabilities are dealing with in our modern ICT society. He is active in the accessibility related standardisation at international and European (e.g. Mandate 554 and 473) standardisation bodies and chairs the German standards committee "Accessibility" at DIN. He and his team have been involved in various accessibility related commercial and European research projects.