Mr Miguel Angel Valero Duboy

Miguel A. Valero, PhD in Telecommunications Engineering (2001) at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Spain, is the Director of Ceapat (Spanish Reference Centre of Personal Autonomy and Assistive Technologies), Imserso, since 2014. He became an Associate Professor on Telematics Engineering at the School of Telecommunication Engineering of UPM in 2003 and was Visiting Professor at Mälardalen University, Sweden. His research began in 1995 at the Bioengineering and Telemedicine Group of UPM and co-founded in 2005 the Group of Telematic Systems for the Information Society and Knowledge where he led R&D in e-accessibility and e-health. He has worked in 35 European projects related to accessible information systems and telematic services for healthcare, by deploying telemedicine and m-health solutions at hospital, home and rural scenarios. He is the author of 3 books, 11 book chapters, 15 papers and over 100 conference publications on health telematics, telemedicine and e-accessibility. See: His doctoral dissertation, awarded in 2002 by the Official College of Telecommunications Engineering, focused on broadband accessible home telemedicine services. He managed the Accessible Digital Home at UPM and his R&D for persons with disabilities has received 7 national prizes from entities and associations like Imserso, CERMI and the Red Cross Society. Twitter handle: #mavalerod #ceapat