Mr Feliksas Dobrovolskis
Director General
Communications Regulatory Authority of Lithuania

Main fields of interest – new digital and communications technologies, regulatory systems for electronic communications, broadband development.

Main facts:

- 2015-2018, Member of ITU Council (delegated representative from Lithuania);

- Member of BEREC Management Board;

- Delegate at Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).

- 2015, Chair of European Regulators Group for Postal Services (ERGP); in 2014, 2016, Vice-Chair of ERGP;

- 2014, coordinator of MoU conclusion between EaPeReg Network and BEREC on cooperation in electronic communications;

- 2013-2014, Vice-Chair of EaPeReg Network;

- Leader of numerous projects and initiatives.