Statement on behalf of the Indigenous Family of the Civil  
 Society to the 4th GFC Meeting

Geneva, 10 January 2005


H.E. Ambassador Janis Karklins
Chairman of the WSIS Preparatory Committee

We would like to state our position on the current proceedings of drafting the final documents for the second WSIS phase, with a view to the inclusion of Indigenous Peoples into the efforts of building a global Information Society.

While we would prefer to have a separate paragraph mentioning Indigenous Peoples, we could accept the proposal of Alterate10B for the Political Chapeau which includes the phrase "and to the special situation of indigenous peoples."

Should there be any redrafting of Alterate10B which would incorporate some of the wording of Alternate 10A or other wording, we would insist that the separate phrase "and to the special situation of indigenous peoples" be maintained.

Our original suggestion to Paragraph 9 or 10 was the following:
"We recognize that culturally appropriate approaches have to be adopted to meet the special needs of Indigenous Peoples with a view to strengthening their cultures and identities and to ensure their full and effective participation in building the Information Society."

We realize that this paragraph might be too difficult for all the parties to accept at this time, however that is our goal. But, for the sake of expediency and in the spirit of partnership, we could accept Alterate10B.

Thank you for your consideration of our proposal,

Kenneth Deer
CSB Bureau Member
Indigenous Family