Contribution from the ITU Secretary-General to the work of the
Group of Friends of the Chair (GFC) of the WSIS PrepCom, Tunis Phase

1 December 2004


Operational document, chapter four "The Way Ahead"

1. The success of the Summit will depend, in no small measure, on effective follow-up and implementation after the completion of the Tunis Phase.

2. In line with the overall spirit of the Summit, follow-up and implementation are the responsibility of all stakeholders, working in partnership.

3. However, there is a requirement for some co-ordination among stakeholders and a reporting mechanism, as well as a division of labour among the different action lines set out in the Plan of Action.

4. It is possible, at this stage, to identify two possible options for the co-ordination and reporting mechanism.

Option A: To designate one or a few organizations, either completely new or existing ones (e.g., ITU, UNDP, UNESCO, UNCTAD) with overall responsibility to coordinate and report on the implementation of the Action Plan.

Option B: To set up a decentralised mechanism for joint actions among all stakeholders, with a reporting mechanism within the UN system.

5. In practice, Option A is probably not feasible because the scope of the Plan of Action falls outside the competence of any single existing organisation and the creation of a new organisation would impose an additional financial burden that stakeholders may not be willing to bear.

6. Therefore, Option B is preferred. A possible implementation mechanism could have the following characteristics:

a) For each Action Line in the Plan of Action, an inter-governmental organisation will be identified as moderator;

b) The moderator will be responsible for organising meeting(s) open to all stakeholders for the implementation of the Action Line;

c) The modalities of coordination will be decided by the respective stakeholder group;

d) The ITU/WSIS-ES will undertake an overall stocktaking exercise based on the annual outputs from these stakeholder groups;

e) The ITU Secretary-General, in his role as Secretary-General of the Summit, will make an annual report to the UN General Assembly, via the Economic and Social Council;

f) If the UN General Assembly considers that further actions are necessary, a follow-up meeting (or Summit) may be held.

7. The Annex to this document lists the action lines (and sub-actions) where follow-up and implementation would be required. The areas where ITU has competence, and is willing to act as a moderator, are indicated in the list.


Annex: Action Lines

Action Lines

Proposed moderator

C1. The role of governments and all stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for Development


C2. Information and communication infrastructure


C3. Access to information and knowledge


C4. Capacity building


C5. Building confidence and security in the use of ICTs


C6. Enabling environment


C7. ICT applications

● E-government

● E-business

● E-learning

● E-health

● E-employment

● E-environment

● E-agriculture

● E-science


C8. Cultural diversity and identity, linguistic diversity and local content


C9. Media


C10. Ethical dimensions of the Information Society


C11. International and regional cooperation


B. Objectives, goals and targets


D. Digital Solidarity


E. Follow-up and evaluation