Joint statement on behalf of Civil Society Plenary and the Coordination Committee of Business Interlocutors

On Implementation and Follow-up mechanisms for the WSIS post-Tunis

25 February 2005



Civil Society and Business actors consider the multi-stakeholder approach, as agreed in Principle 1 of the Geneva Declaration of Principles as the guiding principle of all WSIS Implementation and Follow-up mechanisms.

WSIS Plan of Action Implementation and any follow-up mechanism should be established under the responsibility of the UN Secretary General.

Any implementation team should be multi-stakeholder and composed through an open and inclusive process, with particular attention to achieving gender balance and equitable regional representation.

Any multi-stakeholder team should designate within itself one or several facilitators to coordinate its work.

Any "coordination mechanism/activity" should be multi-stakeholder and the formation process and working methods of any such body should heavily draw on the lessons of the Working Group on Internet Governance.

We consider the establishment of national multi-stakeholder dialogues in all countries as recommended in paragraph C1 8b) of the Geneva Plan of Action as a key component of any implementation and follow-up mechanism.

Civil society and business actors can only effectively engage in implementation and follow up mechanisms if they are associated early on in the very definition of these mechanisms.

We therefore ask for the rapid establishment of a substantive dialogue at all levels allowing all stakeholders to address these issues between now and PrepCom3.