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Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) and Wireless Access Systems (WAS)

The Global Standards Collaboration events commenced in Fredericksburg, Virginia, in 1990. Their goal is to promote informal linkage among senior officials from national, regional and international standards bodies in support of the work of the International Telecommunication Union. The next GSC meeting in this series, including a User Workshop, has been scheduled for 31 October - 3 November in Canada.

For further information about GSC:


RESOLUTION GSC-15/13: (GRSC) Global UWB Standardization, including UWB Radar and Sensor/Imaging Applications (reaffirmed)
1) to facilitate a strong and effective global radio standards collaboration on UWB standardization in a technology neutral environment;

2) to encourage PSOs to take into account, in the development of UWB standards, and regulatory procedures for placing UWB solutions on the Global markets; and

3) to encourage standards development in UWB hybrid fixed and mobile broadband wireless personal access, real-time multimedia services, radar and sensor/imaging type applications.

RESOLUTION GSC-15/14: (Plenary) Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Task Force (revised)
1) To further increase the global coordination of standardization activities for cooperative ITS;

2) to endorse the continuation of the GSC ITS Task Force hosted by ITU-T APSC TELEMOV and requests the Task Force to:

  • a) serve as a coordination point for global ITS standardisation activities by identifying priority ITS communications standards areas and in particular to recommend and facilitate specific mechanisms for this coordination;
  • b) develop a coordinated roadmap for ITS communications standardisation activities providing for worldwide interoperability and a basis for harmonised implementation and deployment of ITS;
  • c) make recommendations to GSC on related spectrum issues and technologies for cooperative ITS, including an approach for development of specific ITS protocols to support cooperative ITS using the 5.8/5.9 GHz band and VHF/UHF bands such as 700 MHz;
  • d) make recommendations to GSC on related standards that will help reduce driver distraction and improve road-user behaviour thus increasing vehicle safety;
  • e) study new standardised wireless access technologies, including the possibility of applying TD-LTE, for vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure cooperative systems in the 5.8/5.9 GHz and 700 MHz bands allocated to ITS in different regions of the world; and
  • f) report on progress in each of these areas at the next GSC meeting; and
3) to request the Participating Standards Organisations to actively participate in the coordination activities of the regional ITS standardisation activities and participate in the GSC ITS Task Force providing their national/regional activities in each of the topic areas progress.

RESOLUTION GSC-15/15: (GRSC) Reconfigurable Radio Systems (Revised)
1) To encourage PSOs, and to invite other standards bodies and regulatory bodies, to cooperate in order to adopt common terminology definitions and common approaches covering the various aspects relating to RRS.

RESOLUTION GSC-15/21: (GRSC) Broadband Wireless Access, RLANs and ad-hoc Networking (Revised)
1) to facilitate a strong and effective global radio standards collaboration on BWA standardization;

2) to encourage PSOs and other standards bodies to develop harmonized broadband access standards to support delivery to rural and remote communities that address their unique geographical, operational and technical challenges;

3) to encourage PSOs to take into account, in the development of broadband standards, the need for cost-effective solutions;

4) to encourage PSOs to develop innovative solutions that would support the use of lower frequency bands to achieve greater coverage and reliability for the delivery of broadband services in rural areas;

5) to encourage PSOs to take into account in the development of broadband standards, evolving technology and application trends that could support deployment of broadband systems in rural and remote areas. (e.g., hybrid wireline and wireless architectures; convergence of certain mobile and fixed service technologies and applications);

6) to encourage PSOs to take into account the transition of analogue to digital TV below 1GHz in the development of wireless broadband standards suitable for use in remote and rural areas; and

7) to encourage the inclusion of smart radio technology in broadband services intended to operate in remote and rural areas to allow access to underutilized radio spectrum.


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