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صفحة الاستقبال : قطاع الاتصالات الراديوية : معلومات : [Newsflashes]  
  قطاع الاتصالات الراديوية (ITU-R)

- Submission of digital broadcasting requirements to be used for the first planning exercise

This circular letter reminds administrations that the deadline for the submission of requirements for digital broadcasting to be considered during the first planning exercise is 28 February 2005. The letter further provides information on the manner in which the requirements should be prepared and submitted. In particular, it reminds administrations of the power limits on assignment requirements and the geographical limit on allotment requirements. In addition, the circular letter provides specific information on the manner in which administrations should submit requirements in those instances where they are based on existing and planned digital assignments that are already recorded in the relevant plan.



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آخر تجديد: 2014-08-13