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صفحة الاستقبال : قطاع الاتصالات الراديوية : معلومات : [Newsflashes]  
  قطاع الاتصالات الراديوية (ITU-R)

- Actions towards the establishment of the list of existing and planned assignments of primary ...

Circular Letter, CR/220, provides information concerning the second category of the reference situation for existing and planned assignments of primary services other than broadcasting, , entered into the Master International Frequency Register (MIFR) between 31 December 1989 and 10 May 2004. Administrations are invited to study the list that is included on the CDROM that accompanies this circular letter and to indicate to the BR those frequency assignments from this list that are to be taken into account in the planning process by no later than 31 October 2005. In doing so, administrations will have to indicate the service type code of the assignments to be taken into account, using a notice form, R06, to be communicated in a separate circulare letter at a later date.



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آخر تجديد: 2014-08-13