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  Домашний : МСЭ-R : Information : [Newsflashes]
Сектор радиосвязи (МСЭ-R)  

- Actions towards the establishment of the reference situation regarding other primary services...

CR/224 provides information on the manner in which administrations may inform the BR on those assignments of primary services other than broadcasting, that are eligible for protection in the establishment of the plan for digital broadcasting, based on the relevant definitions of existing and planned assignments of primary services other than broadcasting, as indicated in section 1.7.2 of the report of the first session of the RRC (also see Circular Letters CR/216, CR/220 and CR/223). In particular, this circular letter provides administrations with the electronic and paper formats of the notice form, R06, in which adminsitrations can indicate such assignments, as well as the associated service type codes, as specified by the RRC-04, but which do not form part of the data in Appendix 4 of the Radio Regulations. The circular letter also provides information on the manner in which the assignments from the different sub-items of the definitions in section 1.7.2 of the report of the first session of the RRC will be treated before they are considered as eligible for inclusion into the reference situations. Administrations are invited to review and update, where necessary, the information associated with their assignments of primary services other than broadcasting that are eligible for inclusion into the reference situations.



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Обновлено : 2014-08-13