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  Домашний : МСЭ-R : Information : [Newsflashes]
Сектор радиосвязи (МСЭ-R)  

- Post-conference activities resulting from the RRC-04: Implementation of Res. GT-PLEN/3...

CR/223 deals with assignments of other primary services (other than broadcasting) notified to the BR after 10 May 2004 using the relevant notice forms, T11, T12, T13 or T14. Such assignments that administrations intend to protect during the establishment of the plan, should, in addition to the normal procedures, also complete the procedures of Res. GT-PLEN/3 and administrations should also complete the notice form R06, indicating the service type code. The time limit for submitting this form of notice shall be 1 November 2005. The BR invites those Member States that have bi- and multilateral agreements to provide the relevant detail of these agreements to the BR.



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Обновлено : 2014-08-13