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  Домашний : МСЭ-R : Конференции и собрания : : [RRC-04 - Planning software]
Сектор радиосвязи (МСЭ-R)  
[RRC-04 - Planning software]

The purpose of the planning software is to allow administrations, then to perform a partial analysis of requirements, and subsequently to perform a partial synthesis.

Users should note that a synthesis based on a partial database of digital broadcasting requirements will not necessarily produce the same results as during the planning conference when all requirements will be taken into account.
Standard personal computer (PC) with Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000 (or above) operating system. Access to the command line is required. Increase the physical random access memory or the size of the paging file to 2 gigabyte. Please consult your PC manual or the manual to your operating system for more information.

Download the latest version of the planning software

The package is distributed in one file called ps_anadigsynth.zip. It is suggested to create a specific sub-directory (i.e. ...\RRCData\) and unzip the files therein. Further instructions are provided.

The software is available in English only.

Version History
No version numbering is used as the individual programs have their individual version numbers and updates are based on individual programs. Packaged versions will be based on release dates only.

  • Version of 07/03/2006
    • Version to correct an error concerning the calculation of incompatibilities of requirements with acceptable frequency blocks 12A, 12B, 12C and 12D, and channels 11 or 12
  • Version of 20/02/2006
    • Version to correctly apply RR 5.316 and 5.235
    • Correction to the initial propagation zone identifier for OMA
  • Version of 14/02/2006
  • Version of 27/09/2005
    • Correction to an error that occurs in the synthesis software for Band III, where the program fails under certain conditions
    • Changes to the margins for the different types of services as proposed by the PXT
    • Introduction of the post-synthesis optimising program for Band III
    • Introduction of additional protection ratios for other primary services interfered with by DVB-T and DVB-T interfered with by other primary services
  • Version of 25/07/2005
    • Correction to an error, introduced subsequent to the first planning exercise, in the treatment of administrative declarations affecting requirements in bands IV and V
  • Version of 18/07/2005
    • Correction to the band limits of frequency block 12A
    • Correction to the treatment of incompatibilities between analogue television assignments and digital broadcasting requirements, in particular taking these incompatibilities into account when defining the list of available channels
  • Version of 01/07/2005
    • Addition of the treatment of administrative declarations between digital broadcasting requirements only
    • Addition of the treatment of linked requirements
  • Version of 15/06/2005
    • Correction in the treatment of digital broadcasting assignments. an error was introduced in the calculation of the extent of the service area
    • Correction of the treatment of digital broadcasting assignments that have unspecified polarisation
    • Correction of the treatment of interference from digital sound broadcasting to digital television broadcasting requirements
  • Version of 08/05/2005
    • This version implements various proposals by the PXT, see the working assumptions from the PXT-3 and PXT-4 meetings
    • Analogue television assignments can now be excluded from the compatibility analysis
    • Further protection ratios for some other primary services have been added
  • Version of 23/04/2005
    • This version corrects an error resulting in optimistic coverage prediction for digital assignment requirements
    • A further error in the programs that prepare the input files to the synthesis has also been corrected
    • Protection ratios for some other primary services have been added
  • Version of 04/04/2005
    • This version corrects a number of program errors and includes the program modules for performing the compatibility analysis between digital broadcasting requirements and other primary services
  • Version of 15/03/2005
    • This version corrects a file format incompatibility between the analysis and synthesis software for the UHF band
  • Initial version of 07/03/2005
    • This release does not include the programs for the consideration of assignments of primary services other than broadcasting


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Обновлено : 2011-06-15