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  Page principale : UIT-R : Conférences et réunions : RA : Assemblée des radiocommunications 2012 (AR-12)
Secteur des radiocommunications (UIT-R)  

Assemblée des radiocommunications 2012 (AR-12)

(Genève, Suisse, 16 janvier-20 janvier 2012)

Afficher tout
[The Radiocommunication Assembly 2012 will be held from 16-20 January 2012, immediately preceding WRC-12.
The duties and functions of the Radiocommunication Assembly are defined in Article 13 of the Constitution and Article 8
of the Convention, while the working methods of the Assembly are described in § 1 of Resolution ITU-R 1-5.
The conditions for invitation and admission to the Radiocommunication Assembly are specified in Article 25 of the Convention
(see also Resolution 6 (Kyoto, 1994) and Resolution 145 (Antalya, 2006)).]

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