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  Домашний : МСЭ-R : Конференции и собрания : : [Regional Seminar followed by Forum Innovations and Challenges in Radiocommunications
San José, Costa Rica, 30 Oct - 2 Nov 2012]
Сектор радиосвязи (МСЭ-R)  
[Regional Seminar followed by Forum Innovations and Challenges in Radiocommunications
San José, Costa Rica, 30 Oct - 2 Nov 2012]
[The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has pleasure in inviting your organization to the "Regional Seminar on Regulatory Procedures Applicable to Satellite and Terrestrial Systems " to be held in San José, Costa Rica, from 30 October to 02 November 2012 at the kind invitation of the Administration of Costa Rica. The event will conclude with a forum on "Innovations and Challenges in Radiocommunications" in which it is hoped that major Sector Members will participate.

The objective of the seminar is to provide participants with the knowledge they need on international technical and regulatory procedures applicable to space and terrestrial radiocommunications, the updating thereof at WRC-12, and current and future work to prepare for WRC-15; it will deal with challenging and innovative subjects relating to satellite and broadband communications, migration to digital TV and the digital dividend. The participation of Sector Members in the forum will enrich the programme by adding diversity to the content, viewpoints and experiences which, taken as a whole, will allow participants to understand the current situation and prepare themselves for the growing requirements of their countries in terms of radiocommunications.]

[General Information]
[The seminar will be held in San José in Costa Rica from 30 October to 02 November 2012.]


[Forum on "Innovations and Challenges in Radiocommunications"]
[Deadlines for Submissions:Extended Deadline !]
  • [Title and Abstract: 2012-09-20 --> 2012-10-10]
  • [Full Presentation: 2012-10-10]
  • [Notification of Paper Acceptance: 2012-10-15]


Yvon HENRI+41 22 730 5536Jorge Ciccorossi+41 22 730 5324
Chief, SSDyvon.henri@itu.intCoordinator-Senior Engineer SSDjorge.ciccorossi@itu.int

[Confirmed Speakers]

  • Intelsat: José Albuquerque, Senior Director, Spectrum Engineering
  • SES: Kimberly Baum, Vice President, Spectrum Management & Development Americas
  • Hispasat: Vicente Rubio Carretón, Director Área Regulación
  • Inmarsat: Alejandra Ornes, Director, International Regulatory Government Affairs
[More speakers and detailed program here]


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Обновлено : 2012-11-23