RADIOCOMMUNICATION BUREAU Tlx: 421 000 UIT CH Tfx: 41 22 730 57 85 ============================================================= Circular-letter CR/2 30 April 1993 TO ADMINISTRATIONS OF MEMBERS OF THE ITU Subject:Closure date for submission by administrations of the seasonal High Frequency Broadcasting Schedule for the period November 1993 - February 1994 (D-93) To the Director-General Dear Sir, 1. I wish to inform you that in accordance with the provisions of No. 1749 of the Radio Regulations, the Radiocommunication Bureau has set 30 June 1993 as the closure date for the receipt of the above-projected seasonal Broadcasting Schedules. 2. In view of the need to issue the Tentative Schedule to administrations two months ahead of the implementation date (No. 1760 of the Radio Regulations) and considering the time required for reproduction and despatch, administrations are urged to send in their Schedules before the closure date and, so far as possible, before 15 June 1993. 3. Late submissions not only may fail to be incorporated in the Tentative Schedule but could seriously affect its value to administrations and that of any recommendation made by the Bureau. Utilisation of an incomplete Tentative Schedule, moreover, would lead to confusion and difficulty as soon as it is published. 4. The administrations are reminded that the prescribed form in Section A of Appendix 2 to the Radio Regulations, Geneva, 1979 is still to be used for submitting the seasonal Schedules. In view of the extended use made of the computer for the treatment of the frequency assignment notices, the Bureau would not be able to treat information submitted on any other form. Only those frequencies which will be used for this particular seasonal period should be notified. Your attention is invited to IFRB Circular-letter No. 785 of 12 June 1989 in which administrations were informed that seasonal Schedules submitted on diskette using the programme described in the circular-letter could also be accepted. 5. If the seasonal Broadcasting Schedules are not received by the prescribed date, the Bureau will be obliged to use the requirements which it included in the Tentative Schedule for the preceding season. 6. With regard to the seasonal Schedule for the period November 1993 - February 1994 (D-93) the predicted value for the 12-month running mean sunspot number R12 is assessed to be 52. Yours faithfully, Richard C. Kirby Director Distribution: Administrations of Members of the ITU