UNION INTERNATIONALE DES TELECOMMUNICATIONS INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION UNIÓN INTERNACIONAL DE TELECOMUNICACIONES ASIA TELECOM 93 Singapore, 19 May 1993 Technical Symposium - Technological challenge: Interfacing regional needs Opening Remarks by Pekka Tarjanne Ladies and Gentlemen, Asia TELECOM 93 is the third Regional Exhibition and Forum organized by the ITU and hosted jointly by the Republic of Singapore. The pioneering work of Singapore Telecom makes the country the natural host for this timely event, which will welcome the most influential voices of the world's biggest industry. Telecommunications is increasingly being approached in the larger and much broader context of information exchange and economic growth and the many challenges ahead exist in all sectors of the industry. The Special Session of the World Telecommunication Forum has been designed with this multi-faceted approach in mind - Asia TELECOM 93 Forum offers four separate Symposia: the Policy - which has just finished, the Technical, the Regulatory and the Economic. It is in the sessions of these four events that the complementarity of telecommunications technology and the telecommunications environment will be underlined. Policy, regulatory and economic issues are increasingly overlapping but it is becoming more and more apparent that none of these areas can be entirely divorced from technological questions. International telecommunications policy has traditionally been determined by Administrations, through fora provided by the ITU, and largely implemented by public telecommunications operators. However, telecommunications are now inextricably woven into the economic and social fabric of a nation and the subsequent changes in the national and international telecommunications environments have recently led to a readjustment in the role of the ITU as the coordinator of overall policy matters. The revolution in telecommunications technology, regulation and industry structure has necessitated a coordination and harmonization process capable of embracing deregulation and liberalization, privatization and competition - apparent dichotomies which can easily co-exist within one region, and even one nation. The Asia-Pacific region has a high growth potential, yet there exists extreme diversity in the needs of an area which is home to more than half of the world's population. The Technical programme has been conceptualized with these diverse needs in mind - urban/rural, developed and developing. In the Asia-Pacific region, some countries have become prosperous in the last ten to fifteen years and others are developing with great speed. Some countries still need basic telephone services whilst others are ready for advanced multimedia applications as a result of the growing digital network and computer technology industries. It is extremely important that national networks are developed and designed to integrate the diverse needs of the different countries in the region - to accommodate both domestic and international interests simultaneously. It is for this reason that two Panel Sessions are highlighted in this Technical Symposium - "Evolution of the Networks" and "Mobile Communications". The former will examine the evolution of the networks in the Asia-Pacific area from the present time (both rural and urban) to the trends for broadband networks well into the 21st century. The latter will, of course, examine the enormous potential of universal personal telecommunications systems. It is hoped that you - the audience - will engage in lively debate with the panelists on these two topics which, I am sure, will generate a great deal of interest in an overall programme designed to encourage greater audience participation. And it is my hope that all of you here today will learn from and share your experience in this Technical Symposium with a view to enhancing the telecommunications environment of the Asia- Pacific region.