UNION INTERNATIONALE DES TELECOMMUNICATIONS INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION UNIÓN INTERNACIONAL DE TELECOMUNICACIONES Regional Telecommunication Development Conference for Asia and the Pacific Singapore, 10 - 15 May 1993 CLOSING ADDRESS by Dr Pekka TARJANNE Secretary-General of the ITU Mr Chairman of our Conference, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends The first Regional Telecommunication Development Conference for Asia and the Pacific is coming to an end. The Conference has adopted 15 Resolutions and 4 Recommendations - an excellent working ground for the next months and years. I'm happy to be able to state that this output is clearly action-oriented and that the totality of the Resolutions can be considered to be a balanced action plan. Of course, we all have our favorites whether favorite companions, favorite cuisine or favorite resolutions - for some it is the strategies, the policies, the coordination - for others, some specific concrete projects such as the regional propagation measurement campaign or broadcasting technology transfer. For me, my favorite is the follow-up! The Conference will not be worth much unless we ensure that the follow-up mechanisms are efficient and able to produce real results - concrete telecommunications development for the people of this region. I have an appeal to all of you here today - to 40 countries, 14 regional and international organizations and more than 250 participants including many from private companies. Please don't wait for others to go ahead and implement the results. Let's compete in showing good example, let's push each other to make sure that all of us can look back at this exercise with satisfaction and pride. In the ministerial panel yesterday, it was pointed out that the next - the second - Regional Telecommunication Development Conference for Asia and the Pacific should be prepared and organized in a somewhat different way. I certainly agree. With the first cycle ending now and leading to the first World Telecommunication Development Conference in Buenos Aires in March 1994, we have quite a different task ahead for the next cycle 1994-98 and in particular for the second Regional Telecommunication Development Conference for Asia and the Pacific, probably in early 1997! Potential host countries should start thinking seriously about this, remembering that according to relevant ITU decisions development conferences should be, as this one has been, synchronized with the corresponding Asia Telecom events, i.e. with Asia Telecom 97 Exhibition and its Forum. I look ahead with great enthusiasm and optimism. Let's decide already now to make 97 an even greater success than 93! Let me conclude by expressing my warmest thanks to everybody, all of you - in particular our hosts: the people of Singapore, Singapore Telecom, the Telecommunication Authority of Singapore and the Government of Singapore. You, Mr Chairman, symbolize for us all of Singapore - you have led us in a wonderful and efficient way. That is why I am proud to offer you a token of our appreciation: the 125th commemorative silver medal of the ITU!