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Contributions (1-50)

[COM15-1] CMNT-96: Questions dont l'étude est confiée à la Commission d'études 15 (Réseaux, systèmes et équipements de transport)
[COM15-2] Rapporteur: Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-T G.168 (ex. G. IEC)
[COM15-3] Rapporteur pour la Question 17/15 de la période d'études 1993-1996: Texte pour le projet de Recommandation G.783
[COM15-4] Commission d'études 15 de l'UIT-T (06/96): Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-T G.774-06 - surveillance de la qualité de fonctionnement unidirectionnelle de la hiérarchie numérique synchrone (SDH) du point de vue des éléments de réseau
[COM15-5] Commission d'études 15 de l'UIT-T (06/96): Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-T G.774.08 - gestion des faisceaux hertziens fonctionnant en hiérarchie numérique synchrone (SDH) du point de vue des éléments de réseau
[COM15-6] Swiss Telecom PTT: How accurately can one measure a statistical quantity like polarization mode dispersion
[COM15-7] United Kingdom: An alternative method for measuring mode field diameter
[COM15-8] Rapporteur, Q.25/15 (new Q.16/15): Report of the Q.25/15 Experts meeting, 4-6 November 1996
[COM15-15] United States of America: Proposal for future enhancements to G.650 - glass geometry reference test method
[COM15-16] United States of America: Additional work items on performance parameters for multichannel amplified optical networks
[COM15-17] United States of America: Text on option 1 tandem connection monitoring functions for inclusion in the Recommendation G.783
[COM15-18] AT&T: Support the inclusion of option 1 tandem connection monitoring functions of Recommendation G.783 as proposed by com 15-17 (U.S.A) for approval in April 1997
[COM15-19] Rapporteur for Question 26/15 (previous Study Period): Report of the Question 26/15 (previous Study Period) Experts meeting (Kyoto, 7 November 1996)
[COM15-22] Rapporteur Q.2/15: Draft Recommendation G.PONB
[COM15-24] Editor of G.MCS: Draft G.MCS "Optical interfaces for multichannel systems with optical amplifiers"
[COM15-25] Lucent Technologies Network Systems Nederland: Structuring the series of equipment Recommendations
[COM15-26] Lucent Technologies Network Systems Nederland: PDH path layer functions (prETS 300 417-5-1)
[COM15-27] Lucent Technologies Network Systems Nederland: Synchronization layer functions (prETS 300 417-6-1)
[COM15-28] USA: OSC frequency specification
[COM15-29] Rapporteur Q.6/15: Draft revised recommendation G.763 - Digital circuit multiplication equipment using ADPCM (Recommendation G.726) and digital speech interpolation
[COM15-30] Ascom: Transmission and multiplexing (TM); Generic requirements of ATM transport functionality within equipment (Draft EN/TM-01016-2-1)
[COM15-31] Alcatel and Ministerio delle Comunicazioni (Italy): Per Channel Bit-error-ratio, q-factor, EL.SNR and OSNR relations for single- and multi-channel long-haul systems with optical amplifiers in draft recs. G.691, G.692 and G.onp
[COM15-32] Siemens AG, Germany: IncAIS Fault cause in TC Trail termination sink functions
[COM15-33] Siemens AG, Germany: New non-intrusive monitoring function for equipped and supervisory unequipped VCs
[COM15-34] Alcatel Sel AG, Germany: Improved wavelength allocation of optical user and optical supervisory channels in WDM Systems for Rec.G.692 and for new draft Recs.G.ONS and G.ONP
[COM15-35] Alcatel Sel AG: Improvement of parameter definitions for revision of Rec. G671 (ex G.POC)
[COM15-36] Rapporteur, Q.1/25: Draft E of G.983 (Ex G.PONB) as result of the interim meeting in August 1997 and minor editorial changes
[COM15-37] Kokusai Denshin Denwa CO.,Ltd (KDD): Novel OTDR methods for photonic networks
[COM15-38] Alcatel Sel AG: Hybrid fibre radio system for access networks
[COM15-39] Brazil: Proposal to the measure time interval of G.16KDCME
[COM15-40] Brazil: Proposed enhancement to G.780
[COM15-41] Brazil: Proposed enhancement to G.783
[COM15-42] Brazil: Proposal to initiate studies to include a 200 KM/55 dB attenuation range for draft recommendation G.691 and G.692
[COM15-43] BT: Timing issues related to echo cancellation in ATM networks
[COM15-44] France Telecom: Characteristics of opticaly amplified optical fibre submarine cable systems
[COM15-45] Rapporteur , Q.17/15: Report of the Q.17/15 Experts meeting (Toronto, 13 September 1997)
[COM15-46] Editor for G.661 and G.662: Revised draft of Recommendations G.661 and G.662
[COM15-47] NTT: Editorial modification of the operating wavelength range definition in G.691 Part (A)
[COM15-48] NTT: Proposal of operating wavelength range and power level for G.691 part (B) systems on G.653 fibres
[COM15-48Corr.1] Corrigendum 1 to Contribution 48
[COM15-49] France Telecom: All optical add-drop multiplexer OADM sub-system specifications for multichannel systems
[COM15-50] France Telecom: Answers to questions living list on the optical networking

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