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Delayed Contributions. Meeting: 11-19 November 1999

List of Delayed Contributions. Meeting: 11-19 November 1999
[COM10-D54] China Ministry of Information Industry (Q6/10): Work done by China delegation on the static semantic definition
[COM10-D55] Q6/10 Semantics Associated Rapporteur, German Telecom, China MII (Q6/10): Draft Z.100 Annex F
[COM10-D56] Canada (all Q): Proposal for a new question to define a notation for user requirements
[COM10-D57] Associate Rapporteur for MSC maintenance (Q9/10): Putting extented MSC-2000 to practice. Specification of the INRES connection establishment using extended MSC-2000
[COM10-D58] Associate rapporteur, question 7/10 (Q1/10): Workplan and detailed table of contents proposed for the supplement on methodology
[COM10-D59] Department of Telecom, India (Q8/10): Need to formulate a protocol test langage for testing of protocols
[COM10-D60] Rapporteur, question 7/10 (Q1/10): Proposed text for question 1/10: Quality assurance, methodology and use of description techniques (revised)
[COM10-D61] SG10 Vice Chairman (all Q): Report on joint ETSI MTS/ITU-T SG10 meeting
[COM10-D62] Q6/10 Rapporteur: Four draft new questions related to existing Q6/10
[COM10-D63] Q6/10 Rapporteur: Draft proposal for Z.108 (time and performance)
[COM10-D64] Q6/10 Rapporteur: Draft proposal for Z100 (general annotation mechanism)
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