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History of Recommendations processed under AAP

Recommendation G.161 (revised) - AAP79
Recommendation G.161 - AAP33
Recommendation G.168 (revised) (1 LC Comment) - AAP83
Recommendation G.168 - AAP33
Recommendation G.640 - Co-location longitudinally compatible interfaces for free space optical systems-AAP33-2006-03-29
Recommendation G.650.1 (revised) - AAP79
Recommendation G.650.1 - AAP35
Recommendation G.650.1 Amendment 1 - AAP51
Recommendation G.650.2: Definitions and test methods for statistical and non-linear related attributes of single-mode fibre and cable
Recommendation G.650.2 - AAP35
Recommendation G.650.2 Amendment 1 - AAP51
Recommendation G.652 - AAP51
Recommendation G.652 - Characteristics of a single-mode optical fibre and cable
Recommendation G.653 (revised) (1 LC comment received) (AAP69)
Recommendation G.654 - AAP35
Recommendation G.654 (revised) (1 LC Comment) - AAP79
Recommendation G.655 - Characteristics of a non-zero dispersion-shifted single-mode optical fibre and cable-AAP33-2006-03-29
Recommendation G.655 - AAP51
Recommendation G.656 (new) (1 LC Comment) - AAP79
Recommendation G.661 - Definition and test methods for the relevant generic parameters of optical amplifier devices and subsystems-AAP33-2006-03-29
Recommendation G.662 - Generic characteristics of optical amplifier devices and subsystems (1 LC Comment)
Recommendation G.664 - Optical safety procedures and requirements for optical transport systems-AAP33-2006-03-29
Recommendation G.664 - AAP51
Recommendation G.664 Amendment 1: Optical safety procedures and requirements for optical transport systems
Recommendation G.665: Generic characteristics of Raman amplifiers and Raman amplified subsystems
Recommendation G.666 - Characteristics of PMD compensators and PMD Compensating Receivers
Recommendation G.671: Transmission characteristics of optical components and subsystems
Recommendation G.671 - AAP35
Recommendation G.671 - Transmission characteristics of optical components and subsystems - Amendment 1-AAP33-2006-03-29
Recommendation G.691 - Optical interfaces for single channel STM-64 and other SDH systems with optical amplifiers-AAP33-2006-03-29
Recommendation G.691 - AAP68
Recommendation G.691 Amendment 1: Optical interfaces for single channel STM-64 and other SDH systems with optical amplifiers
Recommendation G.692 Amendment1: Optical interfaces for multichannel systems with optical amplifiers
Recommendation G.692 Corrigendum 2 - AAP33
Recommendation G.693 (revised) (1 LC comment received) (AAP69)
Recommendation G.693: Optical interfaces for intra-office systems
Recommendation G.693 - AAP21
Recommendation G.693 - Optical interfaces for intra-office systems (1 LC comment)-AAP37-2006-05-22
Recommendation G.694.1 - AAP33
Recommendation G.694.2 - AAP68
Recommendation G.694.2 - AAP33
Recommendation G.695 (new) (1 LC comment received) - AAP72
Recommendation G.695: Optical interfaces for coarse wavelength division multiplexing applications
Recommendation G.696.1 - Longitudinally Compatible Intra-Domain DWDM Applications
Recommendation G.697 (new) - AAP79
Recommendation G.698.1 - Multichannel DWDM applications with single channel optical interfaces
Recommendation G.703 - AAP21
Recommendation G.707/Y.1322 - AAP68
Recommendation G.707/Y.1322 Amendment 1 - AAP21
Recommendation G.707/Y.1322 Amendment 1 (new) (1 LC Comment) - AAP84
Recommendation G.707/Y.1322 Amendment 2 - AAP37
Recommendation G.707/Y.1322 Amendment 3 - AAP52
Recommendation G.707/Y.1322 Corrigendum 1 - AAP05
Recommendation G.707/Y.1322 Corrigendum 1 (new) (1 LC Comment) - AAP79
Recommendation G.707/Y.1322 Corridengum 2 - AAP21
Recommendation G.707/Y.1322 Corrigendum 3 - AAP51
Recommendation G.707/Y.1322 Corrigendum 2 - Network node interface for the SDH (1 LC Comment)(1 AR Comment)-AAP20(22-8-05)
Recommendation G.709/Y.1331 - AAP51
Recommendation G.709/Y.1331 Amendment 1 - AAP21
Recommendation G.709/Y.1331 Amendment 1 - AAP68
Recommendation G.712 - AAP21
Recommendation G.768 - AAP05
Recommendation G.769/Y.1242 (revised) (1 LC Comment) - AAP81
Recommendation G.769/Y.1242 - AAP37
Recommendation G.780/Y.1351 (revised) (1 LC comment) - AAP82
Recommendation G.780/Y.1351 Amendment 1 - Terms and definitions for Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) networks
Recommendation G.781 Corrigendum 1 (new) - AAP79
Recommendation G.783 (revised) (1 LC comment received) - AAP71
Recommendation G.783 - Characteristics of synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) equipment functional blocks (1LC Comment)-AAP34-2006-03-29
Recommendation G.783 Amendment 1 - AAP33
Recommendation G.783 Amendment 1 - Characteristics of synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) equipment functional blocks
Recommendation G.783 Corrigendum 1 - AAP05
Recommendation G.783 Corrigendum 1 (new) - AAP79
Recommendation G.783 Corrigendum 2 - AAP51
Recommendation G.798 (revised) - AAP79
Recommendation G.798 - AAP23
Recommendation G.798 Amendment 1 - AAP33
Recommendation G.799.1/Y.1451.1 (new) - AAP79
Recommendation G.803 Amendment 1 - Architecture of transport networks based on the SDH
Recommendation G.804 (revised) (1 LC Comment) - AAP79
Recommendation G.806 - Characteristics of transport equipment - Desription methodology and generic functionality-AAP33-2006-03-29
Recommendation G.806 (revised) (4 LC comments received) - AAP71
Recommendation G.806 Amendment 1 (new) - AAP79
Recommendation G.806 Amendment 1 - AAP51
Recommendation G.806 Corrigendum 1 (new) (1 LC Comment) - AAP84
Recommendation G.806 Corrigendum 2: Characteristics of transport equipment - Description methodology and generic functionality
Recommendation G.808.1 - AAP68
Recommendation G.808.1 - Generic protection switching - Linear trail and subnetwork protection-AAP33-2006-03-29
Recommendation G.808.1 Amendment 1 - Generic protection switching - Linear trail and subnetwork protection
Recommendation G.812 (revised) (1 LC Comment) - AAP79
Recommendation G.813 - AAP51
Recommendation G.813 Corrigendum 1 - AAP21
Recommendation G.813 Corrigendum 1 - Timing characteristics of SDH equipment slave clocks (SEC)
Recommendation G.832 Amendment 1 (new) - AAP79
Recommendation G.841 Corrigendum 1 - AAP38
Recommendation G.870/Y.1352 (new) - AAP79
Recommendation G.870/Y.1352 Amendment 1 - Terms and definitions for optical transport networks (OTN)
Recommendation G.872 - AAP21
Recommendation G.872 Amendment 1 - AAP68
Recommendation G.872 Corrigendum 1: Architecture of optical transport networks
Recommendation G.873.1 - Optical Transport Network (OTN): Linear protection-AAP33-2006-03-29
Recommendation G.873.1 - AAP51
Recommendation G.873.1 Amendment 1 - AAP68
Recommendation G.874 - AAP21
Recommendation G.874.1 - AAP23
Recommendation G.957 - Optical interfaces for equipments and systems relating to the synchronous digital hierarchy-AAP33-2006-03-29
Recommendation G.957 Amendment 1 - AAP68
Recommendation G.957 Amendment 2: Optical interfaces for equipments and systems relating to the SDH
Recommendation G.959.1 - Optical transport network physical layer interfaces (1 LC Comment)-AAP34-2006-03-29
Recommendation G.959.1 - AAP68
Recommendation G.964 - AAP04
Recommendation G.965 - AAP04
Recommendation G.971 (revised) - AAP79
Recommendation G.972 (revised) - AAP79
Recommendation G.973 (revised) (1 LC comment received) (AAP69)
Recommendation G.974 (revised) - AAP79
Recommendation G.975.1 (new) (1 LC comment received) - AAP72
Recommendation G.976 (revised) - AAP79
Recommendation G.977 (revised) (1 LC comment received) - AAP73
Recommendation G.983.9 (new) - AAP79
Recommendation G.983.10 (new) - AAP79
Recommendation G.983.1: Broadband optical access systems based on PON
Recommendation G.983.1 Amendment 1 - AAP21
Recommendation G.983.1 Amendment 2 - AAP51
Recommendation G.983.2 - AAP33
Recommendation G.983.2 - ONT management and control interface specification for B-PON
Recommendation G.983.2 Amendment 2: ONT management and control interface specification for B-PON
Recommendation G.983.2 - ONT management and control interface specification for B-PON Ammendment 1 - Omnibus improvements for OMCI-AAP33-2006-03-29
Recommendation G.983.2 Amendment 1 - AAP21
Recommendation G.983.2 Amendment 1 - AAP51
Recommendation G.983.2 Amendment 2 - AAP21
Recommendation G.983.3 - AAP05
Recommendation G.983.3 Amendment 1 - AAP33
Recommendation G.983.3 Amendment 2 - A broadband optical access system with increased service capability by wavelength allocation
Recommendation G.983.4 - AAP21
Recommendation G.983.4 Amendment 1 (Annex A) - AAP68
Recommendation G.983.4 Corrigendum 1: A broadband optical access systems with increased service capability using DBA
Recommendation G.983.5 - AAP23
Recommendation G.983.6 - AAP33
Recommendation G.983.7 - AAP21
Recommendation G.983.8 - AAP51
Recommendation G.984.1 - AAP51
Recommendation G.984.2 (1 comment received) - AAP53
Recommendation G.984.3 Amendment 1 - Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Networks (G-PON) : Transmission Convergence Layer Specification
Recommendation G.984.3 : Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Networks (G-PON): Transmission Convergence Layer Specification - Amendment 2-AAP33-2006-03-29
Recommendation G.984.4 (new) - AAP79
Recommendation G.984.4 - Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Networks (G-PON): ONT Management and Control Interface specification - Amendment 2-AAP33-2006-03-29
Recommendation G.984.4 Amendment 1 - Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Networks (GPON): ONT Management and Control Interface specification
Recommendation G.985 - AAP51
Recommendation G.985 Corrigendum 1: 100 Mbit/s point-to-point Ethernet based optical access system
Recommendation G.984.3 (new) (1 LC comment received) - AAP72
Recommendation G.989.2 - AAP21
Recommendation G.989.3 - AAP51
Recommendation G.991.2 - AAP68
Recommendation G.991.2 Amendment 1 - AAP21
Recommendation G.991.2 Amendment 1 (new) (1 LC Comment) - AAP82
Recommendation G.991.2 Amendment 3 - Single-pair high-speed digital subscriber line (SHDSL) transceivers (1 LC Comment) - AAP21(06-09-05)
Recommendation G.991.2 Amendment 2: SHDSL transceivers (1 LC Comment received)
Recommendation G.992.1 Amendment 1 (1 comment received) - AAP53
Recommendation G.992.1 Corrigendum 1 to Amendment 1 - AAP68
Recommendation G.992.1 Corrigendum 1 - AAP21
Recommendation G.992.1 Corrigendum 2 - AAP36
Recommendation G.992.2 Amendment 1 - AAP51
Recommendation G.992.2 Corrigendum 1 - AAP36
Recommendation G.992.3: Asymmetric digital subscriber line transceivers 2 (ADSL2)
Recommendation G.992.3 - AAP36
Recommendation G.992.3 Corrigendum 1 - AAP68
Recommendation G.992.3 Amendment 1 - Asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) transceivers - 2 (ADSL2)(3 LC Comments) - AAP22
Recommendation G.992.3 Amendment 1 (2 comments received) - AAP55
Recommendation G.992.3 - Asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) transceivers-2 (ADSL2) - Amendment 2-AAP33-2006-03-29
Recommendation G.992.3 Amendment 2 (new) (1 LC comment received)
Recommendation G.992.3 Amendment 3 (new) - AAP79
Recommendation G.992.3 Corrigendum 1 to Amendment 1 (new) (2 LC comment received) - AAP72
Recommendation G.992.3 Amendment 4 (new) (1 LC Comment) - AAP79
Recommendation G.992.4 - AAP36
Recommendation G.992.5: ADSL transceivers - Extended bandwidth ADSL2 (ADSL2+)
Recommendation G.992.5 (3 comments received) - AAP55
Recommendation G.992.5 Amendment 1 (new) (1 LC comment received)
Recommendation G.992.5 Amendment 1 - Asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) transceivers - Extended bandwidth ADSL2 (ADSL2plus) (1 LC Comment)-AAP20(14-07-05)
Recommendation G.992.5 - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) transceivers - Extended bandwidth ADSL2 (ADSL2plus) - Amendment 2(1LC Comment)-AAP38-2006-06-06
Recommendation G.992.5 Amendment 2 (new) - AAP79
Recommendation G.992.5 Corrigendum 1 (new) (2 LC Comment received)
Recommendation G.993.1 (revised) - AAP79
Recommendation G.993.1 - AAP21
Recommendation G.993.1 Amendment 1 (1 comment received) - AAP53
Recommendation G.993.2 - Very high speed digital subscriber line 2 (19 LC Comments)(1 AR Comment)(SG15-2-2005)
Recommendation G.994.1 - AAP37
Recommendation G.994.1 Amendment 1 (new) (2 LC comments received) - AAP72
Recommendation G.994.1 Amendment 3: Handshake procedures for digital subscriber line (DSL) transceivers
Recommendation G.994.1 Amendment 4 - Handshake procedures for digital subscriber line (DSL) transceivers (3 LC Comment)s) -AAP28
Recommendation G.994.1 Amendment 2 (new) - AAP79
Recommendation G.994.1V2 (2 comments received) - AAP55
Recommendation G.995.1 Amendment 1 - AAP21
Recommendation G.996.1 Amendment 1 - AAP51
Recommendation G.997.1 - AAP21
Recommendation G.997.1 (2 comments received)
Recommendation G.997.1 - Physical layer management for digital subscriber line (DSL) transceivers(9 LC Comments)-AAP38-2006-06-06
Recommendation G.997.1 Amendment 1 (new) - AAP69
Recommendation G.997.1 Amendment 2: Physical layer management for DSL transceivers
Recommendation G.998.1: ATM-based multi-pair bonding
Recommendation G.998.2: Ethernet-based multi-pair bonding (1 LC Comment received)
Recommendation G.998.3: Multi-pair bonding using time-division inverse multiplexing
Recommendation G.7041/Y.1303 - AAP22
Recommendation G.7041/Y.1303 - AAP68
Recommendation G.7041/Y.1303 - Generic framing procedure (GFP) (1 LC Comment)-AAP20(22-8-05)
Recommendation G.7041/Y.1303 Amendment 1 - AAP33
Recommendation G.7041/Y.1303 - Generic framing procedure (GFP) Amendment 1-AAP33-2006-03-29
Recommendation G.7041/Y.1303 Amendment 1 (new) (4 LC Comments) - AAP87
Recommendation G.7041/Y.1303 Amendment 2 (new) - AAP81
Recommendation G.7041/Y.1303 Amendment 2 - AAP51
Recommendation G.7041/Y.1303 Amendment 3: Generic framing procedure (GFP)
Recommendation G.7041/Y.1303 Corrigendum 1: Generic framing procedure (GFP) (1 LC Comment Received)
Recommendation G.7041/Y.1303 Corrigendum 1 - AAP51
Recommendation G.7042/Y.1305 (revised) (1 LC comment received) - AAP71
Recommendation G.7042/Y.1305 - AAP21
Recommendation G.7042/Y.1305 - Link capacity adjustment scheme (LCAS) for virtual concatenated signals (1LC Comment and Resolution)-AAP34-2006-03-29
Recommendation G.7042/Y.1305 Amendment 1: LCAS for virtual concatenated signals (1 LC Comment received)
Recommendation G.7042/Y.1305 Amendment 2 - Link capacity adjustment scheme (LCAS) for virtual concatenated signals (1 LC Comment)-AAP20(22-08-05)
Recommendation G.7042/Y.1305 Corrigendum 1 - AAP33
Recommendation G.7042/Y.1305 Corrigendum 1 (new) (2 LC Comments) - AAP83
Recommendation G.7042/Y.1305 Corrigendum 2 - AAP51
Recommendation G.7043/Y.1343 (new) (1 LC comment) - AAP82
Recommendation G.7043/Y.1343 Amendment 1: Virtual concatenation of PDH signals
Recommendation G.7710/Y.1701 - AAP21
Recommendation G.7712/Y.1703 - AAP21
Recommendation G.7712/Y.1703 (V2)- AAP51
Recommendation G.7713/Y.1704 - AAP23
Recommendation G.7713/Y.1704 - Distributed call and connection management (DCM) (1 LC Comment)-AAP36-2006-05-07
Recommendation G.7713.1/Y.1704.1 - AAP51
Recommendation G.7713/Y.1704 Amendment 1 (new) - AAP79
Recommendation G.7713.2/Y.1704.2 - AAP51
Recommendation G.7713.3/Y.1704.3 - AAP51
Recommendation G.7714/Y.1705 - Generalized automatic discovery for transport entities (1 LC Comment)-AAP20(22-08-05)
Recommendation G.7714/Y.1705 - AAP21
Recommendation G.7714.1/Y.1705.1 (1 comment received) - AAP53
Recommendation G.7715/Y.1706 - AAP33
Recommendation G.7715.1/Y.1706.1 (new) (1 LC comment received) - AAP72
Recommendation G.7718/Y.1709: Framework for ASON management
Recommendation G.8001/Y.1354 - Vocabulary of terms for Ethernet Frames over Transport (EoT)(1LC Comment)-AAP38-2006-06-06
Recommendation G.8010/Y.1306 (new) (3 LC comment received) - AAP72
Recommendation G.8010/Y.1306 - Architecture of Ethernet layer networks - Amendment 1 (2 LC Comment)-AAP37-2006-05-22
Recommendation G.8011/Y.1307 (new) (3 LC Comments)(1 AR Comment) - AAP84
Recommendation G.8011/Y.1307 Amendment 1 - Ethernet over Transport - Ethernet services framework (1 LC Comment)-AAP20(22-08-05)
Recommendation G.8011/Y.1307 Corrigendum 1 - Ethernet over Transport - Ethernet services framework
Recommendation G.8011.1/Y.1307.1 Corrigendum 1 - Ethernet private line service
Recommendation G.8011.1/Y.1307.1 (new) (6 LC Comments) - AAP84
Recommendation G.8011.2/Y.1307.2 (2 LC Comment) - AAP22
Recommendation G.8012/Y.1308 (new) (5 LC Comments) - AAP84
Recommendation G.8012/Y.1308 - Ethernet UNI and Ethernet NNI - Amendment 1(1LC Comment)-AAP36-2006-05-07
Recommendation G.8021/Y.1341 (new) (3 LC Comments) - AAP84
Recommendation G.8021/Y.1341 - Characteristics of Ethernet transport network equipment functional blocks - Amendment 1(3LC Comments)-AAP38-2006-06-06
Recommendation G.8031/Y.1342 - Ethernet Protection Switchning (1LC Comment)-AAP38-2006-06-06
Recommendation G.8040/Y.1340 - AAP21
Recommendation G.8040/Y.1340 - AAP68
Recommendation G.8040/Y.1340 (revised) (1 LC Comment) - AAP79
Recommendation G.8040/Y.1340 Amendment 1: GFP frame mapping into PDH (1 LC Comment received)
Recommendation G.8040/Y.1340 Corrigendum 1: GFP frame mapping into PDH
Recommendation G.8080/Y.1304 - Architecture for the automatically switched optical network (ASON)(1LC Comment)-AAP38-2006-06-06
Recommendation G.8080/Y.1304 - AAP21
Recommendation G.8080/Y.1304 Amendment 1 (1 comment received) - AAP51
Recommendation G.8080/Y.1304 Amendment 2: Architecture for the Automatically switched transport network (1 LC Comment received)
Recommendation G.8081/Y.1353 (new) - AAP79
Recommendation G.8081/Y.1353 - Terms and definitions for Automatically Switched Optical Networks (ASON) - Amendment 1(1LC Comment)-AAP38-2006-06-06
Recommendation G.8110/Y.1370: MPLS layer network architecture
Recommendation G.8110.1/Y.1370.1 - Architecture of Transport MPLS (T-MPLS) Layer Network(1LC Comment)(1AR Comment)-Approved SG 10-11-2006
Recommendation G.8112/Y.1371 - Interfaces for the Transport MPLS (T-MPLS) Hierarchy (2LC Comment) -AAP46-2006-10-07
Recommendation G.8121/Y.1741 - Characteristics of Transport MPLS (T-MPLS) equipment functional blocks-AAP33-2006-03-29
Recommendation G.8251 - AAP21
Recommendation G.8251 Amendment 1 - AAP33
Recommendation G.8251 Corrigendum 1 - AAP33
Recommendation G.8261/Y.1361 - Timing and synchronization aspects in packet networks (3LC Comments)-AAP37-2006-05-22
Recommendation X.85/Y.1321 Corrigendum 1 - IP over SDH using LAPS
Recommendation G.8601/Y.1391 - Architecture of service management in multi bearer, multicarrier environment (1LC Comment)-AAP38-2006-06-06
Recommendation G.9954: Phoneline networking transceivers - Enhanced physical, media access and link layer specifications
Recommendation Y.1720 Amendment 1 - Protection switching for MPLS networks (1 LC Comment)-AAP20(22-08-05)
Recommendation Y.1720 Corrigendum 1 - Protection switching for MPLS networks
Recommendation I.326 - AAP51
Recommendation Q.551 - AAP23
Recommendation Q.552 - AAP21
Recommendation Q.553 - AAP21
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Updated : 2007-03-30