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Contributions to SG 10 (1998-2000)

[10/1] Questions attribuées à la Commission d'études 10 des radiocommunications
[10/1a1] Questions assignées à la Commission d'études 10 des radiocommunications
[10/1a2] Questions assignées à la Commission d'études 10 des radiocommunications
[10/1a3] Questions assignées à la Commission d'études 10 des radiocommunications
[10/2,10A/3,10B/2,10C/3,10-4/8] Questions to be brought to the attention of Study Group 10, its Working Parties and Task Group
[10/3,10A/4,10B/3,10C/4,10-4/9] Recommendations, Decision and Opinion to be brought to the attention of Study Group 10, its Working Parties and Task Group
[10/4,11/6,JSC10,11/49] Liaison statement from Chairman of TSAG to the Chairmen of ITU-R Study Groups 10 and 11
[10/5] Projet de nouvelle Rec. UIT-R BS.[10/5] - Mise en oeuvre du service de radiodiffus. (sonore) par satellite dans les mêmes bandes de fréqu. que celles utilisées par les systèmes mobiles aéronautiques pour la télémesure dans la gamme de fréqu. 1-3 GHz
[10/5r1] Projet de nouvelle Rec. UIT-R BO.[10/5] - Mise en oeuvre du service de radiodif. (sonore) par satellite dans les mêmes bandes de fréqu. que celles utilisées par les systèmes mobiles aéronautiq. pour la télémesure dans la gamme de fréqu. 1-3 GHz
[10/6] Projet de révision de la Rec. UIT-R BO.1130-1 - Systèmes de radiodiffusion sonore numérique par satellite (SRS) à destination des récepteurs portatifs ou fixes, ou placés à bord de véhicules, dans la gamme de fréquences 1 400-2 700 MHz
[10/6r1] Projet de révision de la Rec. UIT-R BO.1130-1 - Systèmes de radiodiffusion sonore numérique par satellite (SRS) à destination des récepteurs portatifs ou fixes, ou placés à bord de véhicules, dans la gamme de fréquences 1 400-2 700 MHz
[10/7,11/10] Chairman's Report on the first meeting of Joint Working Party 10-11S, 15-23 January 1998, Honolulu, Hawaii
[10/8,10-11R/17,10-11S/37,10-4/16,10A/7,10B/10,10C/5] Status of texts of Study Group 10 Working Parties and Task Groups
[10/8c1,10A/7c1,10B/10c1,10C/5c1,10-4/16c1,10-11R/17c1,10-11S37c1] Status of texts of Study Group 10 Working Parties and Task Groups
[10/8r1,10-11R/17r1,10-11S/37r1,10-4/16r1,10A/7r1,10B/10r1,10C/5r1] Status of texts of Study Group 10 Working Parties and Task Groups
[10/9] Liaison statement from WP 7D to SG 10 - Request for information related to planned contributions to the CPM-99 report
[10/10] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BR.[10/10] - Parameters of international exchange of multi-channel sound recordings
[10/10r1] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R BR.[Doc. 10/10] - Paramètres pour l'échange international d'enregistrements sonores multivoie
[10/11] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BR.[10/11] - Exchange of sound programme son recordabel compact discs (CD-R)
[10/11r1] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R BR.[Doc. 10/11] - Echanges de programmes radiophoniques
[10/12] Draft new Question ITU-R [10C/XXX] - Calibration of the listening level for headphones in subjective listening tests
[10/13,11/19] Report of the first meeting of Working Party 10-11R in the 1998-99 study period
[10/14,11/20] Summaries of draft new Rec. proposed for adoption by correspondence
[10/15-1] Part 1 - Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.1194 - System for multiplexing frequency modulation (FM) sound broadcasts with a sub-carrier data channel having a relatively large transmission capacity for stationary and mobile reception
[10/15-2] Part 2 - Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.1194 - System for multiplexing frequency modulation (FM) sound broadcasts with a sub-carrier data channel having a relatively large transmission capacity for stationary and mobile reception
[10/15-3] Part 3 - Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.1194 - System for multiplexing frequency modulation (FM) sound broadcasts with a sub-carrier data channel having a relatively large transmission capacity for stationary and mobile reception
[10/15-4] Part 4 - Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.1194 - System for multiplexing frequency modulation (FM) sound broadcasts with a sub-carrier data channel having a relatively large transmission capacity for stationary and mobile reception
[10/15-5] Part 5 - Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.1194 - System for multiplexing frequency modulation (FM) sound broadcasts with a sub-carrier data channel having a relatively large transmission capacity for stationary and mobile reception
[10/15r1 Part 1 - Projet de révision de la Rec. UIT-R BS.1194-1 - Systèmes de multiplex. de signaux de radiodiff. sonore à modulation de fréqu. avec une voie de données sur sous-porteuse ayant une grande capacité de transmiss.pour réception fixe et mobile
[10/15r1 Part 2 - Projet de révision de la Rec. UIT-R BS.1194-1 - Systèmes de multiplex. de signaux de radiodiff. sonore à modulation de fréqu. avec une voie de données sur sous-porteuse ayant une grande capacité de transmiss.pour réception fixe et mobile
[10/15r1] Part 3 - Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.1194 - Systems for multiplexing frequency modulation (FM) sound broadcasting with a sub-carrier data channel having a relatively large transmission capacity for stationary and mobile reception
[10/15r1] Part 4 - Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.1194 - Systems for multiplexing frequency modulation (FM) sound broadcasting with a sub-carrier data channel having a relatively large transmission capacity for stationary and mobile reception
[10/15r1] Part 5 - Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.1194 - Systems for multiplexing frequency modulation (FM) sound broadcasting with a sub-carrier data channel having a relatively large transmission capacity for stationary and mobile reception
[10/16] Draft revision of Rec. ITU-R BS.412-7 - Planning standards for terrestrial FM sound broadcasting at VHF
[10/16r1] Projet de révision de la Rec. UIT-R BS.412-8 - Normes de planification pour la radiodiffusion sonore par voie hertzienne à modulation de fréquence en ondes métriques
[10/17] Proposed modification of Recommendation ITU-R BS.707-3
[10/17r1] Projet de révision de la Rec. UIT-R BS.707-3 - Emission de plusieurs voies son dans les systèmes de télévision de Terre Pal B, D1, G, H et I et Secam D, K, K1 et L
[10/18] Proposed revision of Rec. ITU-R BS.1350 - Systems requirements for multiplexing (FM) sound broadcast with a sub-carrier data channel having a relatively large transmission capacity for stationary and mobile reception
[10/18R1] Proj. de rév. Rec. UIT-R BS.1350-Cahier des charges d'un système de multiplex. de signaux de radiodif. sonore MF et d'une voie de données en sous-porteuse offrant une capacité de transmission relativement importante pour réception fixe ou mobile
[10/19] Report of the Chairman of Study Group 10 (Period April 1997 - March 1998)
[10/20] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BS.[10/20] - Method for objective measurements of perceived audio quality
[10/20r1) Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R BS.[Doc. 10/20] - Méthode de mesure objective de la qualité du son perçu
[10/21] Report on seventh meeting of Task Group 10/4 (Geneva, 23-26 March 1998)
[10/22] Draft new Rec. ITU-R BS.[Doc. 10/22] - LF and MF transmitting antennas characteristics and diagrams
[10/22R1] Projet de nouvelle Rec. UIT-R BS.[Doc. 10/22] - Caractéristiques et diagrammes de rayonnement des antennes d'émission en ondes kilométriques ou hectormétriques
[10/23] Report of the Chairman of Working Party 10B to Study Group 10 - Meeting 16-22 March 1998
[10/24] Summary Report of the first meeting of Working Party 10A (study period 1998-99)
[10/25,11/51] Proposal for a draft Decision
[10/26] Report on the fifth meeting of ITU-R Task Group 10/4
[10/27] Report on the sixth meeting of ITU-R Task Group 10/4
[10/28] Summary record of the first meeting of Study Group 10
[10/29] Report of the first meeting of Working Party 10C (1998-99 Period) (Geneva, 24-27 March 1998)
[10/30] Summary record of the second meeting of Study Group 10
[10/32] Approval of Revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.1194-1 - Systems for multiplexing frequency modulation sound broadcasting with sub-carrier data channel having a relatively large transmission capacity for stationary and mobile reception
[10/33, JSC10-11/53] Liaison statement to Study Group 10 and Joint Steering Committee of Study Groups 10 and 11
[10/34] Summaries of Draft new Recommendations proposed for adoption by correspondence
[10/35,11/54] Summary Record of the Joint Meeting of Study Groups 10 and 11
[10/35r1,11/54r1] Summary record of the Joint Study Group 10 and Study Group 11 meeting (Wednesday, 1 April 1998)
[10/37] Summary record of the third meeting of Study Group 10 (Thursday, 2 April 1998)
[10/38] Projet de révision de la Recommandation UIT-R BO.1130-1 sur les systèmes de radiodiffusion sonore numérique par satellite (SRS)
[10/38 - Part 2] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BO.1130-1 - System selection for digital sound broadcasting to vehicular, portable and fixed receivers for broadcasting satellite service (sound) in the bands in the frequency range 1 400-2 700 MHz
[10/39] Report to SG 10 and WPs 10A and 10B on the activities of TG 11/5
[10/40,11/63] Liaison statement to ITU-R Study Groups 10 and 11 - Deletion of a number of J-Series and N-Series Recommendations and a Supplement to the N-Series
[10/41,10-11/9,10A/56,10B/36,10C/19,10-11Q/24,10-11R/37,10-11S/113] Status of texts of Study Group 10 its Working Parties and Taks Group
[10/41r1,10A/56r1,10B/36r1,10C/19r1,10-11/9r1,10-11Q/24r1,10-11R/37r1,10-11S/113r1] Status of text of Study Group 10 Working Parties and Task Group
[10/42] Note de liaison à l'intention de la Commission d'Etudes 10 - Projets de nouvelles Recommandations sur les systèmes de radiodiffusion [sonore et] télévisuelle numérique interactive soumis pour adoption à la Commission d'études 11
[10/43] Rapport du Président - (Mars 1998 - mai 1999)
[10/44,11/69,10C/22,11A/57,11B/37,11C/48,11-5/62,10-11/15,10-11Q/29,10-11R/46,10-11S/122] Re-organisation of SGs 10 and 11
[10/45] Avant-projet de nouvelle Question UIT-R [NNN/10] - Systèmes de radiodiffusion sonore numérique interactive
[10/46] Observations sur la réorganisation des Commissions d'études 10 et 11
[10/47] Rapport d'une enquête sur les récepteurs et les émetteurs
[10/48] Commentaires concernant les documents soumis par le Groupe d'action 11/5 à la Commission d'études 10
[10/49] Projet de modification de la Recommandation UIT-R BS.[1386] - Caractéristiques et diagrammes de rayonnement des antennes d'émission en ondes kilométriques ou hectométriques
[10/49r1] Projet de modification de la Recommandation UIT-R BS.1386 - Caracteristiques et diagrammes de rayonnement des antennes d'émission en ondes kilometriques ou hectometriques
[10/51, 11/72] Report of the Chairman, First Meeting of Joint Task Group 10-11 (30 November - 1 December 1998)
[10/52, 11/73] Chairman's report - First Joint Working Party 10-11Q Meeting
[10/53, 11/74] Report on the Second Meeting of Joint Working Party 10-11S (Geneva, 5-13 October 1998)
[10/54] Projet de nouvelle Question UIT-R XXX/10 - Paramètres de planification pour la radiodiffusion numérique aux fréquences inférieures à 30 MHz
[10/55, JSC10-11/66] WBU-TC Statement to the DRM and ITU-R on Digital Sound Broadcasting below 30 MHz
[10/56, 11/75, 10-11/20, 10-11S/203] Liaison statement to Study Groups 10 and 11, JWP 10-11S and JTG 10-11 - Draft proposal for a Joint Working Party to deal with all aspects of interactive broadcasting
[10/56r1, 10-11/20r1, 10-11S/203r1, 11/75r1] Liaison Statement to Study Groups 10 and 11, JWP 10-11S and JTG 10-11
[10/56r2, 11/75r2] Liaison statement to SGs 10 and 11 - Draft proposal for a Joint Working Party to deal with all aspects of interactive and multimedia broadcasting
[10/57] Avant-projet de nouevelle Question (Commission d'Etudes 11) - Besoins en fréquence de la Radiodiffusion sonore
[10/58, 11/77] Report on the second meeting of Joint Task Group 10-11
[10/59,10C/29,11/78,11B/51] Liaison statement to Working Parties 10C and 11B and Study Groups 10 an 11- Proposed treatment for opinions ITU-R 74-1, 755-1 and 90
[10/60, 11/83] Draft revision of Opinion ITU-R 16-3 - Organizations qualified to set standards on sound and television recording
[10/61,11/85] Report of third meeting of JTG 10-11, Geneva, 18 May 1999-05-18
[10/62] Draft new Recommendation [Doc. 10/62] - Operational practices for television use of film soundtracks encoded with noise reduction and matrix surround
[10/62r1] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R BS.[Doc. 10/62] - Methodes d'exploitation relatives a l'utilisation en television de pistes sonores de films codees avec reduction du bruit et ambiophonie matricielle
[10/63] Draft new Question MMM/10 - Round-trip time delay tolerances for sound broadcast programme inserts
[10/64] Draft new Question YY2/10 - Audio coding scheme for sound broadcasting programme inserts
[10/65] Draft new Recommendation [Doc. 10/65] - Guidelines for producing multichannel soundtracks using surround matrix techniques
[10/65r1] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R BS.[Doc. 10/65] - Principes directeurs relatifs a la production de pistes sonores multicanaux a l'aide de techniques sonores ambiophoniques matricielles
[10/66] Draft revision of Opinion 74-1 - Systems for signal interface connection between sound-broadcasting receivers and associated equipement
[10/67] Re-organization of Study Groups 10 and 11
[10/68] Liaison statement to SMPTE, EBU and ISO - Interface to indicate processing relay
[10/69,11/88] Liaison statement to Study Groups 10 and 11
[10/71] Report of the second meeting of Working Party 10C (1998-1999 period)
[10/72, 11/92] Summaries of draft revised and draft new Recommendations from JWP 10-11R
[10/73, 11/93] Note by the Secretariat
[10/74, 11/95] Report on the second meeting of Working Party 10-11R in the Study Period 1998-99
[10/74a1, 11/95a1] Proposed structure for ITU Recommendation on the use of film in television
[10/75, 11/96] Proposed revision of all the Questions assigned to WP 10-11R
[10/75a1, 11/96a1] Proposed revision of all the Questions assigned to WP10-11R
[10/76, 11/111] Comments on the re-organization of Study Groups 10 and 11
[10/77, 11/115] Comments on the reorganization of Study Groups 10 and 11
[10/78,11/120] Draft new Question - Methodologies for subjective assessment and optimisation of audio and video quality
[10/79, 11/123] Draft Chairman's Report - Joint Working Party 10-11Q - Second meeting
[10/80,11/124] Draft new Report on objective quality assessment technology in a digital environment
[10/81,11/126,JSC10-11] Report to Study Group 11 - Reorganization of Study Groups 10 and 11
[10/84,11/135] Summary report to Study Groups 10 and 11 on the third meeting of Joint Working Party 10-11S
[10/83] Report to Study Group 10 of the meeting of Working Party 10B for the study period 1999-2000
[10/85] Summary Report of the third meeting of Working Party 10A (1998-1999 period) (Las Vegas, Nevada, 12-16 April 1999)
[10/86] Report of the meeting of Radiocommunication Study Group 10 (31 May to 2 June 1999)
[10/87, 11/141] Review of the Questions adopted at the May 1999 meeting of Study Group 11
[10/89, 11/145] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.1348 - Service requirements for digital sound broadcasting to vehicular, portable and fixed receivers using terrestrial transmitters in the LF, MF and HF bands
[10/90, 11/146] Summary Record of the Joint meeting of SGs 10 and 11 - Tuesday, 1 June 1999, 10:45-17:00 and Wednesday, 2 June 1999, 9:00-10:45
[10/92, 11/149] Proposals for the terms of reference and workplan for a new joint Working Party, JWP 10-11M - Interactivity and multimedia
[10/93, 11/151] Proposed text for inclusion in Study Groups 10 and 11 Charimen's Reports to RA-2000 - Cooperation of SG10 and SG11 With the IEC and the ISO
[10/94] Draft new Recommendation [Doc. 10/94] - Effective utilization of spectrum assigned to the broadcasting-satellite service (sound)
[10/95, 11/154] Review of Questions assigned to Joined Working Party 10-11S
[10/96] Systems for digital broadcasting to vehicular, portable and fixed receivers in the bands allocated to BSS (sound) in the frequency range 1 400 - 2 700 MHz
[10/96R1] System description and selection for digital satellite broadcasting to vehicular, portable and fixed receivers in the bands allocated to BSS (sound) in the frequency range 1 400 - 2 700 MHz
[10/97, 11/155] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R BO.[11/155] - Coordination procedure for assignments of space operation service in the guardbands of Appendices S30 and S30A plans
[10/98, 11/156] Proposed suppression of Recommendation ITU-R BO.566-3 on terminology relating to the use of space communication techniques for broadcasting
[10/98r1,11/156r1] Proposed suppression of Recommendation ITU-R BO.566-3 on terminology relating to the use of space communication techniques for broadcasting
[10/99, 11/157] Proposal for the extraordinary meeting of Study Groups 10 and 11
[10/100] List of documents
[10/101, 11/158] Reorganization of Study Groups 10 and 11
[10/102, 11/159] Extraordinary meeting for re-organization of Radiocommunication Study Groups 10 and 11
[10/103, 11/161] Proposed extended definition for the term "Broadcasting"
[10/104, 11/162] Plan of activity for the Ad Hoc Group on Questions
[10/105, 11/163] Re-organisation of Study Groups 10 and 11
[10/106, 11/164] Chairmen's report on the reorganization of Study Groups 10 and 11
[10/107, 11/165] The future structure of the ITU-R Study Groups 10 and 11
[10/108, 11/166] Statuts of Work on consolidation of requirements for digital multi-programme broadcasting-satellite systems; and their evaluation as developed by the Special Rapporteur JWP 10-11S/SRG 6
[10/109, 11/167] Report of the fourth meeting of Joint Working Party 10-11S (Geneva, 18-27 October 1999)
[10/110, 11/169] Request for consultation on the future chairs and vice-chairs of the combined ITU-R Study Groups 10 and 11
[10/111, 11/170] Comments on the draft ITU-R definition of broadcasting
[10/112, 11/172] Merger of SG 10 and SG 11 into a single broadcasting Study Group
[10/114, 11/175] Report of the meeting of TG 10/6 - September 1999
[10/116, 11/117] Interim structure of activities for Study Groups 10 and 11
[10/116r1, 11/177r1] Interim structure of activities for Study Groups 10 and 11
[10/117, 11/178] Text for a section of the meeting report
[10/118, 11/179] Working Procedures
[10/118r1, 11/179r1] Working procedures
[10/119, 11/180] Final report of the extraordinary meeting of ITU-R Study Groups 10 and 11 (Geneva, 15-17 December 1999)
[10/120, 11/181] Reply to liaison statement from the TSAG
[10/121, 10-6/11] System standard for digital sound broadcasting below 30 MHz
[10/122, 1C/53, 8A/136, 8B/115, 9C/44, 10A/72, 10B/58, 11C/75] Liaison statement to Study Group 10 and to Working Parties 1C, 8A, 8B, 9C, 10A, 10B and 11C - OOB emission measurements below 30 MHz
[10/123, 11/184] Summary record of the first joint meeting of Study Groups 10 and 11
[10/124, 11/185] Summary record of the second joint meeting of SGs 10 and 11
[10/125, 11/186] Summary record of the third joint meeting of SGs 10 and 11
[10/126, 11/202] Liaison statement - Multimedia studies - Potential overlap
[10/127, 11/205] Projet de révision de la Recommandation UIT-R BS.1348 - Cahier des charges du service de radiodiffusion sonore numérique aux fréquences inférieures à 30 MHz
[10/128, 11/206] System Recommendation for digital sound broadcasting at frequencies below 30 MHz

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