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Contributions to WP 9B (1996-97)

[9B/2 - 9D/5] Liaison statement from joint ad hoc WP 7B-9D to WP 9B and WP 9D
[9B/3] Liaison statement from WP 8A to WP 9B - Radio local area networks (RLANs)
[9A/8 - 9B/13] Preparation by Working Parties 9A and 9B for the CPM-97
[9B/9] Question ITU-R 232/11 - Interactive television broadcasting systems
[9B/10] Note from the Rapporteur on Question 3/1
[94A/40 - 9B/52 - 9C/10] Section 7.3, "Spurious emissions", in the draft CPM Report
[9B/11] Radio-frequency channel arrangements for digital point-to-point & point-to-multipoint systems operating in the band 2520-2670 MHz
[9B/12] Report of the first meeting of the JRG on GII (Geneva, 17-19 January 1996)
[9B/14 - 9D/16] Possible transfer of Questions 110/9 and 202/9 from WP 9B to WP 9D
[9B/15] Radio-frequency channel arrangement for digital point-to-point and point-to-multipoint systems operating in the band 1350-1517 MHz
[9B/16] Liaison statement from ITU-R TG 1/3 to SGs 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11- Monte Carlo method for modelling spurious emissions interference
[9B/17] Proposed modification of Rec. ITU-R F.701 and Preliminary draft new Recs. [Docs. 9B/TEMP/23 and 9B/TEMP/25] for point-to-point and point-to-multipoint systems
[9B/18] Identification of frequency bands above 30 GHz for use by the fixed service
[9B/19 - 9D/27] Reference radioation patterns of omnidirectional antennas in point-to-multipoint systems for use in sharing studies
[9B/20] Use of the frequency bands 1980-2025 MHz and 2160-2200 MHz by the fixed service
[9B/21] Proposed modification of preliminary draft Rec. - Radio local area networks (RLANs)
[9B/22 - 9D/32] Preliminary draft new Rec. - Reference radiation patterns of omnidirectional and sectoral antennas in point-to-multipoint systems for use in sharing studies
[9B/23] Preliminary darft new Rec. - Radio frequency signals transport through optical fibres
[9B/24] Draft new Rec. - Radio local area networks (RLANs)
[9B/26] Proposed amendment to Rec. F.750 - Architectures and functional aspects of radio-relay systems for SDH-based networks
[9B/27] Proposed modification of Rec. F.751 - Transmission characteristics and performance requirements of radio-relay systems for SDH-based networks
[9B/28] Proposed liaison to ITU-T WP 3/15 on Media specific bytes for DRRS carrying STM-4 and STM-16
[9B/29] UK offshore trans-horizon radio relay systems
[9B/30] Liaison statement from WP 11C to WP 9B and WP 8D on a draft new Question - Frequency requirements for electronic news gathering
[9B/32] Report of the meeting of WP 9B (Geneva, 20-29 March 1996)
[9B/33] Liaison statement from TG 1/3 to WP 9B
[9B/34] Liaison statement from WP 3M to WP 9B - Report to CPM-97
[9B/35] Liaison statement from WP 8A to WP 9B - Land mobile (including wireless access) handbook
[9B/36 - 9C/4] Interference from other services to sound broadcasting in the tropical zone
[9A/36 - 9B/45 - 9D/79] Liaison statement to WPs 4A, 8B, 8C, 8D, 9A, 9B and 9D and TG 8/1: Frequency bands for consideration for wireless access local loop systems
[4-9S/36 - 9B/44] Liaison statement to WPs 9B, 4-9S, 4A and 8D: Radio local area networks
[9B/37] Liaison statement from ITU-T SG 15 to ITU-R WP 9B
[4-9S/38 - 9B/50] Liaison statement from WP 8D: 8D/TEMP/74(Rev.2): Considerations relating to the establishment of a satellite system offering multiple services (SSOMS)
[9B/39] Identification of frequency bands above 30 GHz for use by the fixed service
[9A/39] Reply to liaison statement from WP 9A: Impact on the fixed service of unwanted emissions from BSS space stations
[9B/40] Liaison statement to ITU-R WP 9B
[9B/41] Liaison statement to WP 9B: Radio-frequency signals transport through optical fibres
[9B/41] Liaison statement to WP 9B: Radio-frequency signals transport through optical fibres
[9B/42] Liaison statement to WP 9B: Identification of frequency bands above 30 GHz for use by the fixed service
[9B/43] Liaison statement to WP 9B: Harmonisation of spurious emission limits for fixed service between Rec. ITU-R F.1191 and new revised Rec. ITU-R SM.329
[9B/47] Liaison statement to ITU-R WP 9B: Identification of frequency bands above 30 GHz for use by the fixed service
[9B/48] Liaison statement to WP 9B
[9B/49] Liaison statement from WP 7C to WP 9B: Meteorological aids and fixed service sharing considerations of the band 35.2-36 GHz
[9B/51] Reply to the liaison statement from the Chairman of WP 9B: Identification of frequency bands above 30 GHz for use by the fixed service
[9B/55] Draft new Recommendation: Radio frequency signals transport through optical fibres
[9B/56] Proposed amendments to Rec. ITU-R F.701
[9B/57] Proposed amendments to Question ITU-R 125-2/9
[9B/58] Proposed revision of Rec. ITU-R F.1099: Radio frequency channel arrangements for high-capacity digital radio-relay systems in the 5 GHz band
[9B/59] Proposed revision of preliminary liaison to ITU-T WP 3/15 on Media specific bytes for DRRS carrying STM-4 and STM-16
[9B/60] Draft revision of Rec. ITU-R F.382-6 to allow synchronous digital hierarchy at 4 GHz band
[9B/61] Draft revision of Rec. ITU-R F.386-4 in order to allow digital radio-relay systems in the band 7725 - 8275 MHz
[9B/62] Proposed amendment to draft CPM Report - Identification of frequency bands above 30 GHz for use by the fixed service
[9B/63] Feasibility of fiber-to-the-air system as a subscriber distribution system utilizing millimeter wave radio-frequency signals transport through optical fibers
[9B/64] Unwanted emissions from radio-relay systems
[9B/65] Management for the fixed service
[9B/66] Draft new Question: Fixed service systems utilizing relayx located at fixed points in the stratosphere service high density regions
[9B/67] Preliminary draft new Rec. : Preferred characteristics of fixed service systems utilizing relays located at fixed points in the strastosphere serving high density regions operating in the 47.2-50.2 GHz band
[9B/68 - 9D/118] Element for inclusion in the CPM-97 report on the identification of suitable frequency bands above 30 GHz for use by high-density fixed systems
[9B/69 - 9D/119] Co-frequency sharing of spectrum between high density fixed systems and earth exploration-satellite (active) systems in the 33-36 GHz frequency range
[9B/70 - 9D/120] Co-frequency sharing of spectrum between high-density fixed systems and deep space satellite systems in the 33-36 GHz frequency range
[9B/71 - 9D/121] Co-frequency sharing of spectrum between high density fixed systems and terrestrial radar systems in the 33-36 GHz frequency range
[9B/72 - 9D/122] Characteristics of fixed systems for use in the 30-40 GHz (EHF) frequency range
[9B/72 - 9D/122-a1] Addendum1 to Doc. 9B/72-9D/122 - Characteristics of fixed systems for use in the 30 - 40 GHz (EHF) frequency range
[9B/73] Proposed revision of Rec. F.757: Basic system requirements and performance objectives for cellular type mobile systems used as fixed systems
[9B/76] Proposed amendment to Doc. 9B/TEMP/7 - Identification of frequency bands above 30 GHz for use by the fixed service (item 1.9.6 of the WRC-97 agenda)
[9B/77 - 9D/135] Liaison statement from WP 4-9S to WPs 9B and 9D
[9B/78] Final Report of the WP 9B (Geneva, 9-17 January 1997)
[9B/79 - 4A/275] Liaison statement to ITU-R Study Groups 4, 7, 8, 9 and 11 - Unwanted emissions
[9B/80 - 4A/276] Liaison statement to Study Groups 4, 8, 9, 10 and JWG 10-11S - Determination and measurement of intermodulation products in transmitter using frequency, phase, or digital modulations
[9B/84] Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A and 8A

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