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Contributions to SG 7 (1996-97)

[7/1] Questions assignées à la Commission d'études 7 des Radiocommunications
[7/1-a1] Add.1: Question assignée à la Commission d'études 7 des Radiocommunications
[7/1a2] Add.2: Questions assignées à la Commission d'études 7 des radiocommunicacions
[7/2] Report of the meetings of WP 7A
[7/3] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SA. [ ] - Frequency sharing between space research service extra-vehicular activity (EVA) links and fixed and mobile service links in the 410-420 MHz band
[7/4] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R [Doc. 7/31] - Protection du service de radioastronomie contre les rayonnements non désirés en particulier par des formes de modulation numérique à large bande
[7/4r1] Rev.1: Draft new Recommendation ITU-R [Doc.7/31] - Protection of the radio astronomy service from unwanted emissions resulting from applications of wideband digital modulation
[7/5] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R RA. [ ] Protection of radioastronomical measurements above 60 GHz
[7/6] Proposed contribution to Chapter 5 of draft CPM report
[7/7] Proposed contribution element to Chapter 5 of draft CPM report
[7/8] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1026-1 - Interference criteria for space-to-Earth data transmission systems operating in the Earth exploration-satellite and meteorological-satellite services using satellites in low-Earth orbit
[7/9] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1025-1 - Performance criteria for space-to-Earth data transmission systems operating in the Earth exploration-satellite and meteorological-satellite services using satellite in low-Earth orbit
[7/10] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1024 - Necessary bandwidths and preferred frequency bands for data transmission from Earth-exploration satellites (not inclding meteorological satellites)
[7/11] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SA/ [ ] - Feasibility of sharing between active spaceborne sensors and other services in the vicinity of 410-470 MHz
[7/12] Draft new Question ITU-R [YB/7C] - Frequency sharing between active sensor systems in the Earth exploration-satellite service and systems operating in other services at around 440 MHz, 1 300 MHz, 5 300 MHz, 35 GHz and 95 GHz
[7/13] Draft Revision of Question ITU-R 111/7 - Signal delays in antennas and other circuits and their calibration for high-accuracy time transfer
[7/14] Draft new Recommendation - Sharing in the 8 025-8 400 MHz frequency band between the Earth exploration-satellite service and the meteorological-satellite, fixed, fixed-satellite and mobile services in Regions 1, 2 and 3
[7/15] Draft Revision to Question ITU-R 206/7 - Frequency comparisons of remotely located standards at the 10 (-15) level of uncertainty
[7/16] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R TF.583-3 - Time codes
[7/17] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R TF.768-2 - Standard frequencies and time signals
[7/18] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R TF.1153
[7/19] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R TF.1153
[7/20] Draft new Opinion - Future use of the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) for high-precision time transfer
[7/21] Draft new Opinion - Operational use of the geostationary direct TV satellites for time transfer
[7/22] Liaison statement from ITU-R WP 7A to ITU-T SG 13, WP
[7/23] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R [ ] - Feasibility of sharing between spaceborne passive sensors and the fixed service from 50 to 60 GHz
[7/24] Draft element of text towards Chapter 5 of the CPM-97 report
[7/25] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA 1028 - Performance criteria for satellite passive remote sensing
[7/25r1] Rev.1: Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA 1028 - Performance criteria for satellite passive remote sensing
[7/26] Draft element for Chapter 5 of the CPM-97 report
[7/27] Liaison statement to JWP 7-8R
[7/28] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.515-2
[7/29] Draft new Question XXX/7 - Space operation and space research service frequency bands for telecommand links in the range 100 MHz to 1 GHz
[7/30] Proposed contributing element to Chapter 5 of the draft CPM report
[7/31] Proposed contribution to Chapter 5 of the draft CPM report
[7/32] Liaison statement from SG 7 to SGs 4, 8 and 9
[7/33] Proposed contribution to Chapter 5 of the draft CPM report
[7/34] Liaison statement from WP 7C to WP 9B - Meteorological aids and fixed service sharing considerations of the band 35.2 to 36 GHz
[7/35] Liaison statement from WP 7C to WP 8D - Draft element for Chapter 4 to the CPM report to WRC-97
[7/36] Draft new Option ITU-R AS.[ ] - Spectrum requirements of meteorological aids in the frequency range from 400.15 to 406 MHz
[7/37] Draft element for the CPM report to WRC-97 relating to MSS/MET-AIDS sharing in the 1 675-1 700 MHz band
[7/38] Frequency sharing between the meteorological aids service and the mobile-satellite service (Earth-to-space] in the 1 675-1 700 MHz band
[7/39] Draft new Recommendation - Sharing and coordination criteria for meteorological aids in the 400.15 to 406 MHz and 1 668.4 to 1 700 MHz bands
[7/40] Draft revision to Recommendation ITU-R SA.1165 - Technical characteristics and performance criteria for radiosonde systems in the meteorological aids service
[7/41] Draft new Recommendation - Interference criterias for meteorological aids operated in the bands 400.15 to 406 and 1 668.4 to 1 700 MHz
[7/42] Liaison statement to WP 9B
[7/43] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SA. [ ] Spectrum sharing between spaceborne passive sensors and inter-satellite links in the range 50.2-61.3 GHz
[7/44] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SA. [ ] Feasibility of sharing between spaceborne cloud radars and other services in the range of 92-95 GHz
[7/45] Liaison statement from WP 7C to WP 8A - Feasibility of sharing between active spaceborne sensors and other services in the vicinity of 410
[7/46] Liaison statement from WP 7C to TG 8/2 and SG 8 - Feasibility of sharing between wind profiler radars and active spacborne sensors in the vicinity of 410-470 MHz
[7/47] Liaison statement to the Special Committee on Regulatory/Procedural matters
[7/48] Liaison statement from WP 7C - Feasibility of sharing between spaceborne passive sensors and the fixed service from 50 to 60 GHz
[7/49] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA. 577-4
[7/50] List of Documents issued
[7/51] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-SA.1166 - Performance and interference criteria for active spaceborne sensors
[7/52] Liaison statement from WP 7C to JWP 8R - Earth Exploration-satellite active sensor spectrum requirements and sharing considerations in frequency bands near 5.3 GHz
[7/53] Draft element of text towards Chapter 5 of the CPM-97 report
[7/54] Draft Revision to Recommendation ITU-R SA.1029 - Interference criteria for satellite passive remote sensing
[7/55] Liaison statement to JWP 7-8R
[7/56] Draft element of text towards chapter 5 of CPM-97 report
[7/57] Liaison statemet to WP 4A - Sharing considerations between the EESS and ISS in the range 50-70 GHz
[7/58] Liaison statement of TG 1/3
[7/59] Liaison statement to WPs 4A and 8D, and JWP 7-8R - Consideration of spectrum sharing in the 5 150 - 5 250 MHz band between feeder uplinks of NGSO MSS systems and EES (active) space stations
[7/60] Preliminary draft new Recommendation - Feasibility of sharing between radionavigation-satellite service receivers and active spaceborne sensors in the 1 260 MHz Band
[7/61] Liaison statement from WP 7C to JWP 7-8R and WP 8D - Feasibility of sharing between radionavigation-satellite service receivers and active spaceborne sensors in the 1 215 - 1 260 MHz band
[7/62] Liaison statement from WP 7C to TG 8/2 and SG 8 - Feasibility of sharing between wind profiler radars and active spaceborne sensors in the 1 215 - 1 300 MHz band
[7/63] Contribution to the draft CPM report
[7/64] Liaison statement from WP 7C to WP 8C - Request for airborne radio altimeter data
[7/65] Draft Recommendation ITU-R SA.[7C/TEMP/41] - Feasibility of sharing between wind profilers radars and active spaceborne sensors in the vicinity of 1 260 MHz
[7/66] Draft liaison statement from WP 7C to WP 8D - Feasibility of sharing between the mobile-satellite service and the Earth exploration-satellite service and meteorological-satellite service in the 401-403 MHz band and ....
[7/67] Draft element for Chapter 4 of the CPM-97 report to the WRC-97
[7/68] Draft new Recommendation - Sharing between the NGSO mobile satellite service (space-to-Earth) and both Earth exploration satellites (Earth-to-space) and meteorological satellite (Earth-to-space) operating in the 401-403 MHz frequency band
[7/69] Proposed contribution to Section 4.2.3 of the draft CPM report
[7/70] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SA [ ] Sharing of the frequency band 401-403 MHz between the meteorological satellite service, Earth exploration satellite service and meteorological
[7/71] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1162
[7/72] Draft new Question ITU-R [YA/7C] Frequency sharing between Earth exploration-satellite systems and systemsof the fixed, mobile, inter-satellite and standard frequency and time-signal satellite services operating in the band 25.5-27 GHz
[7/73] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITUI-SA.1159
[7/74] Draft new Recommendation - Feasibility of sharing between the Earth exploration-satellite service (space-to-Earth) and the inter-satellite, fixed and mobile services in the band 25.5-27.0 GHz
[7/75] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1027-1
[7/76] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1158 Sharing of the 1 675-1 710 MHz band between the meteorological-satellite service (space-to-Earth) and the mobile-satelite service (Earth-to-space)
[7/77] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1163
[7/78] Proposed contribution to Section 5.3.4 of the draft CPM report
[7/79] Liaison statement to WPs 8A and 9D
[7/80] Draft element of text towards Chapter 5 of the CPM-97 report
[7/81] Separation distances between EES earth stations and fixed service stations around 26 GHz
[7/82] Liaison statement to WP 1A - Parameters required for calculation of coordination distances for earth stations operating in the Earth exploration- and meteorological-satellite services with non-geostationary space stations
[7/83] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1160 - Interference criteria for data dissemination and direct data readout systems in the Earth exploration-satellite and meteorological-satellite services using satellites inthe geostationary orbit
[7/84] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1161
[7/85] Liaison statement to SGs 8 and 9 - Sharing aspects between the fixed and the mobile services and the meteorological satellite service in the band 7 750-7 900 MHz
[7/86] Liaison statement from WP 7D to WP 7C - Draft contribution to the CPM report
[7/87] Liaison statement from WP 7D to JWP 10-11S - Preliminary draft contribution to the CPM report
[7/89] Draft contribution to the CPM report to WRC-97 - (Section 5.3.4) EES near 8 GHz
[7/90] Liaison statement to WPs 4A, 9D and 8A - Consideration of spectrum sharing in the 8 025-8 400 MHz band between the Earth exploration-stellite service (space-to-Earth) and the fixed, fixed-satellite, mobile and meteorological-satellite se
[7/91] Draft element of text toward the CPm-97 report relating to sharing between the meteorological satellite service, Earth exploration-satellite service and meteorological aids service in the band 401-403 MHz
[7/92] Liaison statement to WP 1A - Parameters required for calculation of coordination distances for earth stations operating in the Earth exploration- and meteorological-satellite service with geostationary space stations
[7/93] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1164
[7/94-1] Part 1: Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SA.[7/94] Maximum permissible power flux-density levels from the space research, space operation and Earth exploration-satellite services at the surface of the Earth required to protect the fixed service ...
[7/94-2] Part 2: Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SA [7/94] Maximum permissible power flux-density levels from the space research, space operation and Earth exploration-satellite services at the surface of the Earth required to protect the fixed service.....
[7/95] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SA [7/95] Criteria for data relay satellite networks to facilitate sharing with systems in the fixed service in the bands 2 025-2 110 MHz and 2 200 - 2 290 MHz
[7/96] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SA [7/96] Orbital locations of data relay satellites to be protected from the emissions of fixed-service systems operating in the band 2 200-2 290 MHz
[7/97] Draft new Recommendation ITUI-R SA [7/97] Orbital locations of data relay satellites to be protected from the emissions of fixed service systems operating in the band 25.25-27.5 GHz
[7/98,8/47] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R [Doc. 7/98-8/47] - Choix de charactéristiques d'émission des capteurs actifs spatioportes visant à atténuer les risques de brouillage causé aux radars de terre fonctionnant dans les bandes comprises entre
[7/98c1,8/47c1] Proposed editing to draft new Recommendation ITU-R [Doc. 7/98 - 8/47] - Selection of active spaceborne sensor emission characteristics to mitigate the potential for interference to terrestrial radars operating in frequency bands 1-10 GHz
[7/99] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R SA.[Doc. 7/99] - Partage de la bande de fréquences 8 025 - 8 400 MHz entre le service d'exploration de la terre par satellite et les services de météorologie par satellite, fixe, fixe par satellite et mobile d
[7/99r1] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SA.[Document 7/99] - Sharing in the 8 025-8 400 MHz frequency band between the Earth exploration-satellite service and the meteorological-satellite, fixed, fixed-satellite and mobile services in regions 1,2 and 3
[7/101] Projet de revision de la Recommandation UIT-R SA.510-1 - Possibilité de partage des fréquences entre le service de recherche spatiale et d'autres services dans les bandes au voisinage des 14 et des 15 GHz - Brouillage potentiel causé par les systèm
[7/102] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R RA.[Doc. 7/102] - Protection des mesures de radioastronomie au-dessus de 60 GHz contre les brouillages d'origine terrestre (Question UIT-R 145-1/7)
[7/103] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SA.[Doc. 7/103] - Feasibility of sharing between wind profiler radars and active spaceborne sensors in the vicinity of 1 260 MHz (Question ITU-R [Doc. 7/12])
[7/104] Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R SA.[Doc. 7/104] - Faisability du partage de fréquences entre le service d'exploration de la terre par satellite (espace vers terre) et les services inter-satellites, fixe et mobile dans la bande 25,5 - 27 GHz
[7/105] Projet de révision de la Question UIT-R 117/7 - Liaisons entre stations terriennes et engins spatiaux établies par l'intermédiaire de satellites relais de données géostationnaires
[7/106] Projet de revision de la Question UIT-R 127/7 - Diagrammes de rayonnement et charactéristiques des lobes latéraux des grandes antennes utilisées pour les stations terriennes de recherche spatiale et la radioastronomie
[7/107] Projet de revision de la Question UIT-R 154/7 - Transfert possible d'assignations de fréquence de la bande des 2 GHz à des bandes au-dessus de 20 GHz pour certaines missions spatiales
[7/108] Projet de revision de la Question UIT-R 202/7 - Protection et critères de partage de fréquences entre les systèmes spatiaux d'interférométrie à très grande base (VLBI) et d'autres systèmes de recherche spatiale
[7/109] Projet de revision de la Question UIT-R 203/7 - Systèmes spatiaux d'interférométrie à très grande base (VLBI): Charactéristics et contraintes sur le plan des télécommunications
[7/110] Projet de nouvelle Question UIT-R [Doc. 7/110] - Bandes des fréquences préférées et critères de protection pour les observations du service de recherche spatiale (passive)
[7/111] Projet de nouvelle Question UIT-R [Doc. 7/111] - Liaisons de radiocommunication entre stations terriennes et missions lunaires et planétaires par l'intermédiaire de satellites relais de données lunaires et planétaires
[7/112] Projet de nouveau Voeu UIT-R [Doc. 7/112] - Future utilisation du système modial de navigation par satellite (GNSS) pour le transfert de temps avec une grande précision (Questions UIT-R 103-1/7 et UIT-R 152-1/7)
[7/112r1] Revision 1 - Draft new ITU-R[Doc.7/112] - Future use of the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) for high-precision time transfer
[7/113] Projet de nouveau Voeu UIT-R [Doc. 7/113] - Utilisation des satellites géostationnaires de télédiffusion directe pour le transfert de temps
[7/113R1] Revision 1 of Draft new opinion ITU-R[Doc. 7/113] Operational use of geostationary direct TV satellites for time transfer
[7/114] Projet de nouveau Voeu UIT-R [Doc. 7/114] - Besoins en fréquences du service des auxiliaires de la météorologie dans la plage 400,15 - 406 MHz
[7/115,1/47,10-11S/142] Liaison statement to SGs 1 and 7 and WPs 8D and 10-11S for information
[7/116] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R [Documents 7/116 - 8/93] - Protection criteria for stations in the radiolocation service from emissions from active spaceborne sensors in the band 13.4 - 13.75 GHz (Questions 213/7 and 204/8)
[7/117,8/103] Final Report of Joint Working Party 7-8R
[7/118,7B/62,7C/164,7D/33] Draft new Question - Sharing between feeder links for the mobile-satellite service and aeronautical radionavigation service in the space-to-earth direction in the band 15.4-15.7 GHz and the protection of the radioastronomy ...
[7/119,7C/167] Liaison statement from WP 9D to WP 7C and SG7
[7/120] Part 1 - Reply to liaison statement to Study Group 7
[7/120] Part 2 - Reply to liaison statement to Study Group 7
[7/120] Part 3 - Reply to liaison statement to Study Group 7
[7/121] Draft Revision of Question ITU-R 102-1/7 - Terrestrial standard-frequency and time-signal dissemination
[7/122] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R TF.374-3 - Standard frequency and time-signal emissions
[7/122r1] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R TF.374-3 - Standard-frequency and time-signal emissions
[7/123] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R TF.458-2 - International comparisons of atomic time scales
[7/123r1] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R TF.458-2 - International comparisons of atomic time scales
[7/124] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R TF.457-1 - Use of the modified julian date by the standard-frequency and time-signal services
[7/125] Draft Revision of Question ITU-R 152-1/7 - Standard frequencies and time signals from satellites
[7/126] Draft Revision of Question ITU-R 201/7 - Two-way time transfer through communication satellites
[7/127] Draft Revision of Question ITU-R 207/7 - Time and frequency transfer using digital communication links
[7/128] Draft new Question [AA/7A] - The role of differential GPS networks in timing applications
[7/129] Draft new Question [AB/7A] - Algorithms for ensemble time scales and measurement systems
[7/130] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R TF.1010 - Relativistic effects in a coordinate time system in the vicinity of the Earth
[7/131] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R TF.1011 - Systems, techniques and services for time and frequency transfer
[7/132] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R TF.582-1 - Time and frequency reference signal dissemination and coordination using satellite methods
[7/132r1] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R TF.582-1 - Time and frequency reference signal dissemination and coordination using satellite methods
[7/133] Draft decision [Document 7/133] - Performance and reliability of frequency standards and their use in time-scales
[7/134] Draft Revision of Question ITU-R 110-1/7 - Time codes
[7/135] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.509-1 - Generalized space research Earth station and radio astronomy antenna radiation pattern for use in interference calculations, including coordination procedures
[7/135r1] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.509-1 - Generalized space research Earth station and radio astronomy antenna radiation pattern for use in interference calculations, including coordination procedures
[7/136] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SA.[7B/AA] - Preferred frequency bands and bandwidths for the transmission of space VLBI data
[7/136r1] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SA.[7B/AA] - Preferred frequency bands and bandwidths for the transmission of space VLBI data
[7/137] Draft new Question [AC/7B] - Sharing between inter-satellite service systems in the frequency band 25.25-27.5 GHz
[7/138] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.510-1 - Feasibility of frequency sharing between the space research service and other services in bands near 14 and 15 GHz
[7/139] Draft new Question ITU-R [AD/7D] - Frequency sharing between the radio astronomy service and other services in bands above 70 GHz
[7/140] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1022 - Methodology for determining interference criteria for systems in the Earth exploration-satellite and meteorological-satellite services
[7/141] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SA.[7B/AB] - Methods for predicting radiation patterns of large antennas used for space research and radioastronomy
[7/141r1] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SA.[7B/AB] - Methods for predicting radiation patterns of large antennas used for space research and radioastronomy
[7/142] Draft Revision of Question ITU-R 101-1/7 - Performance and reliability of frequency standards and their use in time-scales
[7/143] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R TF.767 - Use of the global positioning system (GPS) and the global navigation satellite system (GLONASS) fo high-accuracy time transfer
[7/143r1] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R TF.767 - Use of the global positioning system (GPS) and the global navigation satellite system (GLONASS) for high-accuracy time tranfer
[7/144] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R TF.535-1 - Use of the term UTC
[7/144r1] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R TF.535-1 - Use of the term UTC
[7/145] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R TF.536 - Time-scale notations
[7/145r1] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R TF.536 - Time-scale notations
[7/146] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R TF.486-1 - Use of UTC frequency as reference in standard frequency and time signals emissions
[7/147] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R TF.686 - Glossary
[7/148] Draft Decision [Doc.7/148] - Development of a handbook on the use of radio spectrum for meteorological activities
[7/149] Executive summary
[7/151] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SA.[7C/AC] - Sharing between the meteorological aids service and medical implant communication systems (MICS) operating in the mobile service in the frequency band 401-406 MHz
[7/151r1] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SA.[7C/AC] - Sharing between the meteorological aids service and medical implant communication systems (MICS) operating in the mobile service in the frequency band 401-406 MHz
[7/152] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SA.[7C/AD] - Feasibility of sharing between radionavigatio-satellite service receivers and the Earth exploration-satellite (active) and space research (active) services in the 1 215 - 1 260 MHz band
[7/152r1] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SA.[7C/AD] - Feasibility of sharing between radionavigatio-satellite service receivers and the Earth exploration-satellite (active) and space research (active) services in the 1 215 - 1 260 MHz band
[7/153] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SA.[7C/AE] - Spectrum sharing between spaceborne passive sensors and inter-satellite links in the range 50.2-59.3 GHz
[7/154] Draft new Question ITU-R[7D/AE] - Percentage of time for which interference harmful to the radio astronomy service can be accepted
[7/155] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.514-2 - Interference criteria for command and data transmission systems operating in the Earth exploration-satellite and meteorological-satellite services
[7/155r1] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.514-2 - Interference criteria for command and data transmission systems operating in the Earth exploration-satellite and meteorological-satellite services
[7/156] Liaison statement from JWP 7-8R to Study Group 7 - Performance and interference criteria for synthetic aperture radars
[7/158] Draft Revision to Recommendation ITU-R TF.460-5 - Standard-frequency and time-signal emissions
[7/159] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.516-1 - Feasibility of sharing between the Earth exploration-satellite (active) and space research (active) services and the radiolocation and radionavigation services
[7/160] Proposed suppression of ITU-R Recommendations
[7/161] Draft new Question ITU-R [AF/7C] - Preferred frequencies for the Earth exploration-satellite (passive) and space research (passive) services above 70 GHz and the feasibility of sharing with other services in these bands
[7/162, 10/54, 11/130] Liaison statement to ITU-R Study Groups 4, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 - Unwanted emissions

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