INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION RADIOCOMMUNICATION ADVISORY GROUP GENEVA, 23-25 JANUARY 1995 Document RAG95/10-E 9 December 1994 Original: English Radiocommunication Study Group Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen COMMENTARY ON ASPECTS OF WORKING METHODS 1 Coordination meeting of Working Parties and Task Groups of one Study Group When two or more Working Parties and/or Task Groups in one Study Group meet at the same time, some Study Groups have adopted the practice of holding a joint coordination meeting of the Working Parties and Task Groups of the Study Group. Such meetings are of value to the participants present since they: - provide an efficient means of informing participants of current issues and progress; - provide an opportunity for review of the organization at working level within the Study Group; - provide an opportunity for an exchange of information on work in progress and on documentation being developed. In this way the need for formal liaison statements within a Study Group will be substantially reduced. It is proposed that possibility of such joint coordination meetings should be recognized as a part of the working methods: - A joint coordination meeting of Working Parties and Task Groups of a Study Group, which are meeting at the same time, may be held if desirable. - Such a joint coordination meeting may review and consider the organization and work being undertaken by the groups concerned. - A joint meeting should be chaired by the Chairman of the Study Group, a Vice-Chairman or by a participant nominated by the Study Group Chairman. - A joint coordination meeting will not constitute a Study Group meeting and will not undertake any of the tasks or functions of a Study Group identified in Resolution ITU-R 1, § 2. It may be noted that, exceptionally, a meeting of a Study Group may be arranged at any time when there is an urgent need to meet the provisions of Resolution ITU-R 1, § 2. The timing of such a meeting may be coincident with the Working Party meetings and will be subject to the constraints of budget and facilities. 2 CPM preparations Present experience is demonstrating the severe difficulties for both the Bureau and for administrations and ITU Members in undertaking the preparations for the CPM, essentially within one year. This is due to the fact that the new process for WRCs and their preparation is just beginning. Preparation is now in hand for CPM-97 which should alleviate the pressures in 1996 to some extent. It is recommended that Questions should be considered with a view to possible future agenda items, even more than four years ahead, so that adequate preparations may be made in advance to the maximum extent that the agenda topic allows. 3 Block meetings of Working Parties and Task Groups According to Resolution R 1 § 2.18, the programme of meetings should take into account, inter alia, "the desirability of contiguous meetings on related topics". This requirement is important for the benefit for participants. However, the lengthy "block" meetings which have been held in the past place great peak demands on the ITU Conferences and Common Services Departments and particularly the services of the Bureau and on the BR Secretariat Editing Services. It is proposed that in future, smaller block meetings of related groups should be separated by a period of at least one week, in order that the preparation and editing work should be easier to perform for the BR. This is also important for the editorial groups, which often receive the draft Recommendations very late before SG meetings, due to an overloading of the BR and the linguistic service. *******