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IRG-2 (1-4 September, 1998)

[1] Possible approaches for studies to be carried out under Res. 532 (WRC-97)
[2] Planning criteria which may require decisions in order that the GTE can undertake studies required under Res. 532 (WRC-97)
[3] Proposal for BSS re-planning in Regions 1 and 3
[4] United States of America - The economic viability of the WRC-97 BSS Plan for Regions 1 and 3
[5] United States of America - Protection of other services during replanning studies regardingm, and any actual replanning of, the Regions 1 and 3 BSS and feeder-link Plans
[6] United States of America - Monopolization of the BSS Plan resource is not possible
[7] Resolution 1129 of Council-98
[8] Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Comoros, Cameroon, Syria
[10] Report of the conclusions of the second meeting (Geneva, 1-4 September 1998)

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