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ITU-T Workshop
List of ITU-T Recommendations
Flyer - Optical Transport Network (OTN) - Your new fibre optic transport solution - Com 15
Flyer - ITU-T Multimedia communications - Voice - Video - Data - Music - Image - Study group 16
Flyer - ASN.1 - Abstract Syntax Notation One - Study Group 17
DSL - Lines de abonado digital
Flyer - Security in Communication System - Study Group 17
Flyer - ASON - Automatically Switched Optical Network - Study Group 15
ITU Circulation Plan
Flyer - QoS - Making all services and technologies usable - Study Group 12
Flyer - B-PON - Broadband Passive Optical Network - Study Group 15
Flyer - Optical Fibres and Cables - Study Group 15
Flyer - G-PON - Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Network - Study Group 15
Poster - Chief Technology Officers Meeting, Geneva 8-9 December 2003
Flyer - H.350 - Directory Services for Multimedia - Study Group 16
[booklet] Recomendaciones UIT-T en CD-ROM - Marzo de 2004
Flyer - CWDM - Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing - Study Group 15
Flyer - DSL - Digital Subscriber Line - 2004 - Study Group 15
Flyer - Numbering, naming and addressing - Study Group 2
UIT-T - Guía para principiantes - Septiembro de 2002
Flyer - Next Generation Network - NGN - 2004 - Study Group 13
Flyer - Security in Telecommunication Systems - Version 4 - Study Group 17
Poster on Recommendation H.323 - Study Group 16
Flyer - APIs for Interactive TV - Version 1 - Study Group 9
UIT-T - Guía para principiantes - Marzo de 2005
Flyer - APIs for Interactive TV - Version 2 - Study Group 9
Flyer - H.264 - New opportunities for video communication - Study Group 16
Flyer - Cable Modems - Triple play high-speed access to video, voice and data - Study Group 9
Flyer - over Cable TV Networks - Voice over Internet Protocol
Flyer - IMT-2000 - Mobile Solutions in Next Generation Networks - Study Group 19
Flyer - IMT-2000 - Mobile Solutions in Next Generation Networks - Version 2 - Study Group 19
Poster - SIIT 2005
Flyer - NGN - Project management database - Study Group 13
SIIT 2005 - Cover A4
SIIT 2005 - Advance Programme
Flyer - Technology Watch - Towards the future of information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
Flyer - The lighthouse - The new communication center of the ITU-T
Guide for ITU-T Study Groups - "Considering End-User Needs in deleoping Recommendations"
CD-ROM - NGN FG Proceedings 2005
Poster - 50 Years of excellence
Flyer A4 - 50 Years of excellence
Newsletter - 50 Years of excellence - 1956-2006
Programme - 50 Years of excellence - CCITT/ITU-T, Geneva, 20 july 2006
Flyer - X.509 - Enabling e-business- Study Group 9
Flyer - E.164 - The International Numbering Plan - Study Group 9
Flyer - NGN - Next Generation Networks - 11.2005 - Study Group 13
Flyer - OTS - Optical Transmission Systems - Study Group 15

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