What is your vision of a digital future for all?

Help us build a better digital future by sharing your thoughts.

SDG Digital is a key component of the digital track of the Summit of the Future Action Days. As we build towards a more inclusive and sustainable digital future, we want to hear from you. Be part of this global conversation. Your voice matters in shaping a digital future for all. Your insights will be presented to world leaders during the Summit of the Future at the United Nations General Assembly, helping to steer the global digital agenda.

A digital future for all is…

Universal, ensuring everyone, everywhere has reliable access to connectivity.

Affordable, offering accessible devices and broadband to accelerate access to a wealth of opportunities.

Inclusive, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their abilities, ethnicity or gender, can fully benefit from digital technologies.

Meaningful, providing a safe, satisfying, enriching, and productive online experience.

Sustainable, leveraging digital technologies to protect the environment and preserve our planet.

Prosperous, fostering job creation and enterprise development to drive socio-economic growth.