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ICT Prices

ICT Prices
Year: 2017
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This report analyses prices of ICT services in more than 150 countries worldwide for the period 2008-2016, to arrive at an understanding of the affordability of ICT services. The trends of four sub-baskets - namely mobile-cellular, fixed-broadband, mobile-broadband accessed via mobile handset with a cap of 500 MB, and mobile-broadband accessed via USB dongle with a cap of 1 GB - are discussed separately, highlighting the variation in prices within and between regions. Prices in this report are expressed in three complementary units: in United States dollars (USD); in international dollars (PPP$), using purchasing power parity (PPP) conversion factors; and as a percentage of countries' monthly GNI per capita.

Note: ICT Prices breakdown is usually found in the ITU Publication Measuring the Information Society, next edition expected December 2018

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