

H.E. Mr Volodymyr ZVIERIEV
State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection

21 October 2014

Dear Mr. Chairman!
Your Excellency ITU Secretary General!
Dear distinguished guests and participants of the Conference!

On behalf of the Government of Ukraine let me greet the participants of the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference and express our sincere gratitude to the Government of the Republic of Korea for the organizing this Conference at the highest level in hospitable and warm Busan City.

Next year we will celebrate the 150-th anniversary of the ITU, which over these years has become the main driving force in the building of information society. Nowadays the ITU role is especially important, since the development and use of the ICT produce a positive impact on short- and long-term social and economic development of each country as well as on the global economic growth. 

The outcomes of this Conference will obviously have far-reaching implications for the international community in the coming years. In the course of our work we will try to implement new strategic solutions in the context of the ITU Strategic Plan "Connect 2020".   

Dear delegates!

A few weeks ago the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko launched a new national project under the name of "Ukraine 2020: Strategy of national modernization". The processes of modernization of diverse areas of social life undoubtedly imply a large-scale implementation of the ICT, as it is reflected in the Strategy of Development of the Information Society in Ukraine.   

The field of telecommunications is considered priority one in the state policy of our country. Currently the considerable attention is paid to the effective use of the radiofrequency resource. We have achieved a substantial progress in performance of radio-frequency monitoring of the stations of space communication. And we would like to continue an active work for the ITU to contribute to the development of the telecommunications for the benefit of all Member-States of the Union. We sincerely hope for your support for the candidate of Ukraine, Dr. Khairov, whom we nominate on the post of a Member of the Radio Regulations Board.

Ladies and Gentlemen!

One of the destabilizing factors in the sustainable performance of the telecommunications in Ukraine is the fact, that the Autonomous Republic of Crimea is a temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine. The Ukrainian telecommunication networks and frequency assignments are used by the telecommunication operators and broadcasting organizations of the Russian Federation. This fact violates rules of the international laws, stipulated by the ITU Basic Texts.   

I would like to make a statement that despite annexation of a part of the Ukrainian territory by the Russian Federation, our country, by virtue of active support of the international community, is confidently moving towards building of the information society and sincerely hope for your support for its rights as an ITU-Member country.   

Dear Mr. Chairman!

Distinguished delegates!

We expect that the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference by its decisions will once again confirm the adherence of the Union to the provisions of the Basic Texts, thus promoting cooperation, international solidarity and respect for sovereignty of its Member-States.

As a role of international organizations are increasing in the age of globalization, the ITU activity and its positive and stimulating effect, produced on the process of building of the information society, is an outstanding example of this trend.

Let me wish a good luck and new achievements to all participants of the Conference.

Thank you for your attention!