PP-14 Speeches

International Telecommunication Union

Houlin Zhao
Secretary-General Elect

6 November 2014 - Afternoon Plenary

Thank you Mr Chairman for sharing that wonderful reminder of the past eight years with us – and let me now call Dr Touré to the podium to present him with the ITU Gold Medal, in honour of his tremendous achievements as Secretary-General.

[Secretary-General Elect presents medal & certificate to Dr Touré]

Mr. Chairman,

I would like to take this opportunity to express my personal appreciation to you for your extraordinary role of Chairman of PP-14.  You are marvellous!

Distinguished delegates,
Ladies and gentlemen,

As we have heard from Dr Touré this afternoon, you have done an exemplary job over the past three weeks during this Plenipotentiary Conference.

I would personally like to thank each and every member of the delegations for placing your very clear confidence in me, as the next Secretary-General, and in my fellow elected officials for the next four years: Malcolm Johnson, François Rancy, Brahima Sanou, and Chaesub Lee.

You have given all of us an incredibly strong mandate, and you have put your trust in continuity for this great Union of ours, as we prepare ourselves for the next 150 years of ITU's history.

Together with the new management team, and the support of membership, I am confident that we can go on to achieve great results, building on the outstanding work which has already been performed under Dr Touré's leadership, and taking the Union to new levels of excellence.

I pledge to you, here in Busan, here in the city where you overwhelmingly elected me, that I will continue to do my very best to honour the confidence that you have accorded me.

It is an incredible honour to lead the Union forwards, and you can count on me to live up to your expectations.

I campaigned on three important words – 'vision', 'action' and 'harmony'.

Here at PP-14, you have delivered the vision, through the Strategic and Financial Plans, and now it is up to all of us to take the actions necessary to make that vision a reality.

I am confident that we will do so together, in harmony.

Let me thank you all, once again, for your support and confidence – together we can make the world a better place for all.

Thank you.