
Lithuania (Republic of)

Director-General of RRT, Chairman of  RRT Board
Communications Regulatory Authority (RRT)

21 October 2014


Mr Chairman, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

On behalf of the delegation of Lithuania I congratulate you, Mr Chairman, on your election and thank the Government of Korea for welcoming us to Busan and hosting this significant conference.

Lithuania attaches great importance to the role of ITU and has always been committed to the international dialogue and consensus while developing global regulatory principles and rules.

We also share common responsibility for meeting new global challenges raised by fast progress of technologies. In that respect we appreciate an ambitious vision set by ITU within the Connect 2020 framework.

Since restoration of independence of our state we have proven our commitment to ITU in terms of our contributions to ITU activities.

Lithuania’s representative dr. Mindaugas Žilinskas has been a member of Radio Regulations Board for two terms and chaired RRB in 2010. Currently he is RRB vice-chairman.

Effective radio spectrum management and use is an important area for us, contributing to the goals of growth and inclusiveness of the Connect 2020 strategy. By utilising our expert capacities, we intend to continue with constructive inputs to the work of ITU radiocommunications sector.

We take our commitments to ITU very seriously. We intend to continue our efforts to support our common vision of ITU as an efficient, modern and open UN organisation. The four goals set by ITU with the new ITU strategic plan and measurable targets are a welcome development.

We are ready to continue sharing our experience with ITU membership regarding facilitation of modern broadband network development, trust in new services and the related issues.

Expertise and achievements in promoting development of the electronic communications is a proof that Lithuania is ready to share best practices and work together in ITU Council in order to set and implement our common and ambitious goals within the ITU.           

Mr Chairman, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, we really feel as a part of ITU community. And we are proud of that.

Thank you for your attention.