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Communiqué: ITU Regional workshop for CIS and Georgia.....

ITU Regional workshop for CIS and Georgia addresses trends in radiocommunications in light of WRC-15 and RA-15 outcomes

Discussions on challenges ahead to be addressed at WRC-19

Geneva, 19 July 2016

In the regional workshop held on 27-29 June 2016 in Yerevan, and hosted by the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Armenia, participants discussed the optimal ways of implementing WRC-15 decisions to obtain the best usage of available spectrum and new technologies in a harmonized way. The event gathered more than 50 participants from regional regulators, research institutions and operators.

"I am delighted that the discussions on the results and implications of WRC-15 have enabled  the participants to come up with valuable recommendations concerning the effective use of the new radiocommunication systems in the region," said Gagik Tadevosyan, Deputy Minister of Transport and Communication of Armenia.

François Rancy, Director of the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau, underlined the importance and timeliness of the workshop in his opening and keynote address. He also gave his vision of the significant role of radiocommunications to the development of the information society and the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, and the crucial importance of ITU World Radiocommunication Conferences to the timely accommodation of emerging technologies.

Presenters described the WRC-15 and RA-15 outcomes concerning terrestrial and space services and resulting post-conference activities. Representatives of four administrations shared their experience in WRC-15 preparations and the implementation of its decisions.

Other presentations covered a number of advanced technologies requiring international regulations and harmonized spectrum, including Intelligent Transport Systems, the Internet of Things, and mobile broadband applications.
The discussions focused on the challenge faced by WRC-19, especially situations when the same frequency bands are targeted by competing systems such as IMT, HAPS and FSS.

A round table discussed the utilization of the UHF band in the light of the global harmonization of the 700 MHz band decided by WRC-15. The participants reached a common understanding of the advantages of the harmonized spectrum usage and the need to resolve the difficulties in sharing between IMT and broadcasting in border areas. The relevant studies and collection of information aimed at a coordinated utilization of the UHF band are under way in the relevant RCC working groups.

The results of this seminar will be used in the second meeting of the RCC preparatory meeting for WRC/RA-19, to be held in Minsk on 12-15 September 2016.