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Name : PEÑA, Paz
Date : December 15, 2020
Organization : Al Sur
Country : Chile
Job Title : Coordinator

Contribution : ​​This document is presented by the Al Sur consortium (a group of 11 civil society organizations and academia from eight different countries that works to strengthen human rights in the digital context) and was prepared by one of its members, Karisma Foundation (Colombia), in response to the request made by the ITU for civil society to report problems and challenges for the expansion of connectivity in rural and remote areas, and the role of community networks in this process of reducing the urban-rural digital gap. Although we present a regional framework, the document focuses on Colombia's situation as a country that offers an overview of the region's average. The document especially presents the barriers derived from the public policy vision that refers to the ICT sector and reflects the different governments' position in Latin America, especially its market vision to close the digital connectivity gap through commercial licenses of the electromagnetic spectrum. Although the complexity and diversity of digital gaps are appointed, the analysis is based on the connectivity diagnosis that shows how in this digital gap the distance between urban and rural is evident, and the differences between the major cities compared to scattered rural areas are very worrying. Finally, throughout the document, the aim is to highlight the role, still incipient, of community networks, which has excellent potential for reducing the digital connectivity gap. We understand that an English translation could benefit all readers, so we could provide it at the end of the week and send it by mail (to or any other way if that is an option.

Attachments : Al SUR_ ITU Expanding Internet Connectivity.pdf
Al Sur_ ITU-Expanding Internet Connectivity.pdf