Committed to connecting the world

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Name : NESTEROVA, Anna
Date : December 13, 2021
Organization : Global Rus Trade
Country : Russian Federation
Job Title : Chairperson of the Board of Directors

Contribution : ​​Technological development and digitalization, which are huge trends nowadays, have a controversial impact on the environment. On the one hand, the development of ICT leads to the appearance of “green” technologies and tighter connectivity in the world’s society. On the other hand, digital infrastructure and consumers’ utilisation of the equipment significantly increase our carbon footprint. But I believe that future technological innovations will help to significantly reduce the damage done to the environment. To take advantage of the Internet's potential to help address climate-related issues now 1) we need to ensure equal access to the Internet 2) give people opportunities to learn basic knowledge of the Internet and some digital skills and 3) share information about climate-related issues and raise awareness. Also, it is important to 1) bring all the stakeholders together to elaborate joint solutions and recommendations and 2) develop a public-private partnership to reach common goals.