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Name : HILL, Richard
Date : December 07, 2021
Organization : Association for Proper Internet Governance
Country : Switzerland
Job Title : President

Contribution : ​We present here elements take from the European Green Party report Digital technologies in Europe: An environmental life cycle approach. Digital technologies have a considerable environmental impact, and this impact is mainly material. 40% of the environmental impacts of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are due to the depletion of metal resources and the use of fossil resources, mainly to manufacture the devices. Digital technologies for European use alone accounts for 40% of the sustainable GHG emissions budget of Europe to stay below 1.5°C. Almost 10% of European electricity consumption is devoted to digital technologies. Key recommendations include fewer, longer lasting and more sustainable digital devices. To reduce the number of devices, make them multifunctional. Fight all forms of obsolescence by extending the legal duration of software update periods to a minimum of 5 years. Increase reuse rates by moving from proprietary systems to interoperable and open ones and making the right to return compulsory. Incentivise the durability of products, second hand purchases and refurbishment with consumer protection

Attachments : CWG-Internet 2021-2ter.pdf