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Girls in ICT

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Name : ASFOUR, Muna
Date : December 29, 2019
Organization : Telecommunications Regulatory Commission
Country : Jordan
Job Title : International Relations officer

Contribution : ​​Summary The new ICT ecosystem has unleashed a virtuous cycle, transforming multiple economic and social activities on its way, opening up new channels of innovation, productivity and communication. The rise of the app economy and the ubiquity of smart mobile devices create great opportunities for users and for companies that can leverage global scale solutions and systems. Technology design deployed by online service providers in particular often reduces transaction costs while allowing for increasing economies of scale. The outlook for both network operators and online service providers is bright as they benefit from the virtuous cycle − as the ICT sector outgrows all others, innovation continues to power ahead creating more opportunities for growth. Meeting the expectations of all ICT stakeholders by creating an environment conducive to investment is critical to stimulating the growth and achieve the overall goal of facilitating the smooth transition to digital society. This will also call for a different regulatory approach, which will require innovative and forward-looking regulatory set of actions without any future impediment. Question 1: How will new and emerging telecommunications/ICTs impact both the internet and sustainable development, including the digital economy? Due to the rapid evolvement of ICT sector and the raise of new technologies like BigData , internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing , Artificial Intelligence and many other technologies, the internet become the main platform for a tremendous amount of services, since smart mobile phones, all communications and recently government businesses rely on internet ,the world would vastly embrace such technologies to overcome social and environmental obstacles that operate against development, supporting more participation for people and communities in social and economic life by replacing traditional costly modes of production with more sustainable ones, like IoT evolvement in improving food security and agricultural development , also helping the medical field monitoring patient in real time to be able to intervene in the right cases when needed. Another example is the ultra-fast wireless technology offered by 5G technology to offer connectivity in more rural areas which will provide better services like remote learning through the Internet and monitored water quality, Also Artificial Intelligence, machine learning and Big Data have impacts on trade, competition, and decision making for business which keen on the internet as its platform, thus leveraging more digitalized services to all business sectors and satisfy sustainable development goals. Question 2: What are the opportunities and challenges for the adoption and growth of the new and emerging telecommunications/ICTs and internet? Opportunities: • Innovation is required among vertical sectors and cross-sector. • More fast and real time communications, quicker businesses and more revenues • More virtualization-oriented, saves investment on new infrastructure and platforms. • Decrease domination and monopoly, stimulates competition • Contribution to GDP and economy, encouraging entrepreneurship. The adoption of the emerging telecommunications, information technology and internet are mostly concentrated on the following barriers and challenges: • Cultural Barriers • Lack of policy and regulations • Uncertainty • Security and Privacy issues. Question 3: How can governments and the other stakeholders harness the benefits of new and emerging telecommunications/ICTs? • More contribution to GDP • Improving digital communications • Utilizing smart platform, analyzing governmental data and help in decision making. • Encouraging entrepreneurship and investment. Question 4: What are the best practices for promoting human skills, institutional capacity, innovation and investment for new and emerging telecommunications/ICTs? 1-Setting up institutional capacity building strategies and plans to tackle the lack of labor in innovative technology required for the digital era. 2-Performing and implementing RIA (Regulatory Impact Assessment) prior to issuing any legislations or regulations to have a clear view of the impact estimation on national economy and GDP. 3-More Agile Regulations, allowing innovative technology to be implemented without any future impediment.

Attachments : TRC.docx