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Name : MOCHU, Natalia
Date : August 18, 2017
Organization : Radio Research and Development Institute
Country : Russian Federation
Job Title :

Contribution : Global cross-border nature of OTT services leads to a situation when services are provided in a certain country or region, but the legislation of this country is not necessarily fulfilled. Thus, а secure and efficient environment for OTT services cannot be formed exclusively by OTT providers or by regulatory authorities governed by jurisdiction of one country. Such environment should be established via a coordinated approach of all stakeholders internationally. At the same time, provision of OTT services shall meet the regulations of country where they are provided. The Internet governance in general and OTT services in particular should not be conditioned by unilateral political restrictions or solely commercial interest. Lack of efficient regulation and self-regulation of OTTs demands settlement of a discussion platform where all these issues could be put forward and solved. States and civil society should take the responsibility to stimulate creation of a competitive environment and possibility for consumers to choose both the OTT service and the terms of its use. The set of such policies should also include requirements against possible anticompetitive behavior and abuse of market dominance. Attached is the information on the proposed theme related to activities of OTT providers and other players and to the questions put forward in this open consultation.

Attachments : 2017.08.18_NIIR Proposals for ITU CWG-Internet open consultation_OTT.pdf