Committed to connecting the world

ITU Negotiation Table

​Bringing more women to the negotiation table 

An important part of ITU's work is accomplished through conferences and meetings, where members collaborate, take decisions, and negotiate the agreements which serve as the basis for the operation of global telecommunication services. Each type of meeting has a well-defined purpose and outcome, and plays its particular role in supporting ITU's mission. Bringing more women to the negotiation table will help promote the work of the organization and strengthen the mandate of the Union.

ITU membership has formally made the case since 1998


​Shaping the International Agenda: Raising Women's Voices in Intergovernmental Forums 

The joint UN-Women / International Gender Champions publication "Shaping the international agenda: raising women's voices in international forums" was launched on 20 March 2017, at the UNOG Library in Geneva.                  

The publication reviews women's representation and leadership roles in national delegations to meetings of the United Nations and other international organizations' governing bodies. It is based in part on responses to a questionnaire sent in October 2016 to members of the United Nations Governing Bodies Secretariat, to assess women's participation in different intergovernmental processes. The survey sought input on the various policies and strategies that agencies use to track and improve women's participation in their processes.


International Geneva Gender Champion’s Impact Group on “Composition of Delegations and Panels” ​


 ITU is leading the International Geneva Gender Champion's Impact Group on "Composition of Delegations and Panels" and its first meeting was held at ITU Headquarter in Geneva on 19 April 2016 and gathered more than 30 participants.



First Women at the ITU Negotiation Table 


ITU's Commitments

Through the GEM policy, the Union's commitment to gender equality will be reflected in all decision-making and planning processes by:

Learn more

Number of Women in ITU Delegations at PP, Council and WRC




ITU Secretary-General's Personal Commitments    

ITU Secretary-General joined the international Geneva Gender Champion Initiative and committed to:

See ITU Secretary-General's commitment


Expanding the Table - Taking Actions

Expanding the Table - Monitoring Progress

Yearly monitoring of progress will include: