; 25-Sep-2023 BROADCAS.TXT REFERENCE TABLE ; ;25-Sep-2023: Add RFU Radio Free Ukraine ;25-Jan-2023: Add RAC Radio Casanova International ;13-Oct-2022: Add JRC Joode Radiocommunications Consultancy ;11-Apr-2022: Add SMD SM Radio Dessau (Germany) ;21-Jan-2022: Add RFP Radio For Peace International ;22-Sep-2021: Add DEN Studio Denakker ;12-Jul-2021: Add ICN Broccoli Trash Metal & Grunge ;09-Jul-2021: Change OMR to OMR Rockpower ;23-Jun-2021: Add EUR Radio Europe Netherlands ;23-Jun-2021: Add OMR Offshore Music Radio ;08-Jun-2021: Change CBB to PLA Plummer Applications ;17-Aug-2020: Add RDI Radio Delta International ;12-Aug-2020: Add VIO Radio OZ-Viola ;12-Aug-2020: Add TOE Radio208 ;27-Jul-2020: Add SPW SPW Radio Warsaw - Transatlantic Radio Station Cultural Park Association (Poland) ;20-Jul-2020: Add MIK Mike Radio ;11-Jun-2020: Add SWS Radio SWS (Germany) ;11-Jun-2020: Add ST2 SE-TA 2 (Germany) ;29-Apr-2020: Add PIE Radio Piepzender ;03-Sep-2019: Add TDF TDF France ;02-Jul-2019: Change IBB replaced by AGM United States Agency for Global Media (USAGM) ;29-May-2019: Add HNG BMGE trial ;16-Jan-2019: Add KRI Koode Radio International ;14-Jan-2019: Add RON Radio Onda ASBL ;19-Dec-2018: Add RKP Radio Klein Paris International (Germany) ;10-Oct-2018: Add SWR Shortwave Radio Services (Germany) ;04-Oct-2018: Add ENC Encompass Digital Media Services ;19-Sep-2018: Replace R48 Radio 48 International (Germany) by C29 Channel 292 (Germany) ;08-Feb-2018: Change ERA to ERT Hellenic Broadcasting Corp. S.A. - Voice of Greece ;20-Sep-2017: Add IPE Turms Tech LLC ;24-Aug-2016: Change VOH High Adventure Ministries to VOH Voice of Hope ;23-Aug-2016: Replace PNW by FPU Free Press Unlimited ;23-Aug-2016: Add MGB Malagasy Glabal Business S.A. ;21-Jul-2016: Add EMR European Music Radio ;07-Mar-2016: Add RLA Radio-Lead Africa ;08-Jul-2015: Add RME Radio Merkurs (Latvia) ;08-Jul-2015: Add RDR HFCC, Intl. Radio for Disaster Relief project ;03-Feb-2015: Add DWD Deutscher Wetterdienst ;30-Oct-2014: Add RNA Radio Nacional de Angola ;10-Jun-2014: Add BIX BitExpress (Germany) ;10-Jun-2014: Add E24 Europa 24 (Germany) ;29-Jan-2013: Replace LBJ by LNC Libyan National Broadcast Channel ;24-Oct-2012: Correct CHW Christliche Wissenschaft ;24-Aug-2012: Add BRB, Broadcast Belgium ;11-Jan-2012: Add MWV, World Christian Broadcasting (USA) ;01-Sep-2011: Add MIR, Radio Miraya (South Sudan) ;07-Jul-2011: Add MND, MND Radio (KOR) ;01-Mar-2011: Add MVB, Baltic Radio (Germany) ;01-Mar-2011: Add R48, Radio 48 International (Germany) ;07-Feb-2011: Add GUN, Gunaz Radio, (Belgium) ;12-Nov-2010: Add BAB, Babcock Communications ;30-Jul-2010: Add RSH, Radio 700 ;30-Jul-2010: Add HLR, Hamburger Lokalradio e.V. ;20-Jan-2010: Add MBR, Media Broadcast GmbH (former DTK,Deutsche Telekom, kept until A11) ;09-Dec-2009: Add TWW, Leap of Faith, Inc. BWW kept for B09 reference ;21-Sep-2009: Add JHR, Hill Radio International ;07-Sep-2009: Add BWW, Leap of Faith, Inc. ;09-Dec-2008: Add PNW, Press Now ;07-Nov-2008: Add VTC, VT Communications ;10-Jul-2008: Add BTC Belarusian Tele-radio Company ;25-Apr-2008: Add ZRC Zilionis Radio TV Consulting, Lithuania ;16-Apr-2008: Add ADM Abu Dhabi Media Company ;16-Apr-2008: To be kept EMI (until the the of A08) ;15-Apr-2008: Correct ARD ;13-Mar-2008: Add RNV Radio Nacional de Venezuela ;20-Feb-2008: Add JCI Japan Center for Intercultural Communications ;12-Feb-2008: Add VBT Vanuatu Broadcasting and Television Corporation ;15-Oct-2007: Add CNR China National Radio ;15-Oct-2007: Mod CRI China Radio International ;18-Sep-2007: Add SIB Solomon Islands Broadcasting ;11-Apr-2007: Add SKK Senter for Kristen Kringkasting ;31-Jan-2007: delete SIC ;12-Jan-2007: add JIC Japan International Communications ;11-Jan-2007: add SIC Shiokaze International Communications ;30-Aug-2006: add FLM - Fiangonana Loterana Malagasy (Malagasy Lutheran Church - Radio Feon'ny Filazantsara) ;30-Aug-2006: add RNL - Radio Nile ;30-Aug-2006: add RVP - Radio Voice of the People ;04-Jul-2006: add IMN Iraqi Media Network ;04-Jul-2006: delete IBT ;03-May-2006: add AGC Agência Goaiana de Comunicação (Brazil) ;03-May-2006: add ARA Rádio Araguaia Ltda. (Brazil) ;03-May-2006: add BAN Rádio e Televisão bandeirantes Ltda. (Brazil) ;03-May-2006: add CFI Rádio Cultura de Foz do Iguaçu Ltda.(Brazil) ;03-May-2006: add CLU Sistema Clube de Comunicação (Brazil) ;03-May-2006: add FCL Fundação Cásper Líbero (Brazil) ;03-May-2006: add FMP Fundação Metropolitana Paulista (Brazil) ;03-May-2006: add FPA Fundação Padre Anchieta (Brazil) ;03-May-2006: add GAU Rádio Gaúcha Ltda. (Brazil) ;03-May-2006: add GEM Governo do Estado do Maranhão (Brazil) ;03-May-2006: add GLO Rádio Globo Ltda. (Brazil) ;03-May-2006: add GRJ Sociedade Rádio Guarujá Ltda. (Brazil) ;03-May-2006: add GRP Radio Guaruja Paulista (Brazil) ;03-May-2006: add GSP Rádio Globo de São Paulo Ltda. (Brazil) ;03-May-2006: add GUA SA Rádio Guarani (Brazil) ;03-May-2006: add GUI Rádio Guaíba Ltda (Brazil) ;03-May-2006: add INC Rádio Inconfidência Ltda. (Brazil) ;03-May-2006: add ITA Rádio Itatiaia Ltda. (Brazil) ;03-May-2006: add JP2 Fundação João Paulo II (Brazil) ;03-May-2006: add JPN Fundação José de Paiva Netto (Brazil) ;03-May-2006: add MAR Rádio Marumby Ltda. (Brazil) ;03-May-2006: add NDP Rádio Novas de Paz Ltda.(Brazil) ;03-May-2006: add RDB Radiobrás Empresa Brasileira de Comunicação Ltda (Brazil) ;03-May-2006: add REC Rádio e Televisão Record Ltda.(Brazil) ;03-May-2006: add RNP Rádio Nacional do Brasil ;03-May-2006: add ROC Fundação Nossa Senhor do Rocio (Brazil) ;03-May-2006: add RRM Rádio Rio Mar Ltda.(Brazil) ;03-May-2006: add RRT Fundação Sistema RTM de Rádio e Televisão (Brazil) ;03-May-2006: add RUM Rádio Universitária Metropolitana (Brazil) ;03-May-2006: add SEN Rádio Senado (Brazil) ;03-May-2006: add TUP Rádio Tupi Ltda. (Brazil) ;23-Mar-2006: correction CVC CVC ;11-Jan-2006: Add BBS Bhutan Broadcasting Service ;11-Jan-2006: Add TMI Transformation Media International, LP ;22-Mar-2005: Add CVC Christian Vision Communications ;10-Dec-2004: Add MIL Radio Mil Mexico ;10-Dec-2004: Add HSW LeSea Broadcasting Corporation ;23-Jul-2004: Add WMR World Music Radio ;16-Apr-2004: Add ZNB Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation ;04-Feb-2004: Add EMI Emirates Media (UAE), replaces EBC (UAE) ;15-Sep-2003: add BCE Broadcasting Center Europe S.A. ;19-Aug-2003: add BOH Grace Missionary Baptist Church, Inc. ;22-Jul-2003: add ALI Radio Alislah ;22-Jul-2003: add MRA Mezopotamian Radio & Television ;22-Jul-2003: add RFV Radio Free Vietnam ;14-Jan-2003: add LRC Latvia State Radio and Television Centre ;19-Dec-2002: add JIE Word Broadcasting Network, Inc. ;19-Dec-2002: add WRB Blue Ridge Communications, Inc ;14-Aug-2002: add AMP Radiodifusion America (Asuncion, Paraguay) ;14-Aug-2002: add AMZ Radio Nacional da Amazonia (Brazil) ;14-Aug-2002: add APA Radio Aparecida (Brazil) ;14-Aug-2002: add CBB Caribbean Beacon ;22-Jul-2002: add IMF International Fellowship of Churches, Inc. ;22-Jul-2002: add RET Radio Ethiopia ;28-Feb-2002: add FGM Fang Guang Ming Radio ;28-Feb-2002: add QHR Que Huong Radio ;28-Feb-2002: add MEZ Voice of Mezopotamya ;28-Feb-2002: add TDP TDP Radio ;09-Jan-2002: add EMX Radio Educacion (Mexico) ;09-Jan-2002: add RMX Radio Mexico International (Mexico) ;09-Jan-2002: add RPI Radio for Peace International (Costa Rica) ;09-Jan-2002: add RHC Radio Habana Cuba (Cuba) ;18-Dec-2001: add VIL Voice International Limited ;26-Jul-2001: add RNG Radio Nicaragua ;18-Jul-2001: add MCR MediaCorp Radio (SNG) ;06-Jul-2001: add HCA HCJB Australia ;20-Mar-2001: correction CVO Christian Voice ;14-Feb-2001: add UMC The United Methodist Church (USA) ;07-Jan-2001: add UCB United Christian Broadcasting Ltd. (England) ;22-Oct-1999: add TJC Grace Baptist Church ;21-Oct-1999: add RKG Radio of Kirghizia ;21-Oct-1999: add RTK Radio of Turkmenistan ;09-Aug-1999: add KBC, Kenya broadc. corp. ;15-Jul-1999: add RBL Radio Byelirussia ;15-Mar-1999: add TDA Telediffusion d'Algerie ;11-Feb-1999: add MTR Mali Television et Radio ;11-Feb-1999: add RAE Radiodifusion Argentina al Exterior ;11-Feb-1999: correction HIC Croatian Information Center ;25-Jan-1999: add NSB Nihon Short-wave Broadc. Co. ;25-Jan-1999: correction LRT Lithuanian National Radio and TV ;20-Jan-1999: add RCS Radio Corporation of Singapore ;20-Jan-1999: add RMP Radio Mariya ;20-Jan-1999: add IBR IBRA Radio ;20-Jan-1999: add INT Radio of Mediterranean ;18-Jan-1999: add ALR Radio Tirana, Albania ;18-Jan-1999: add H.A LeSea Broadcasting Corporation ;18-Jan-1999: add WAR LeSea Broadcasting Corporation ;18-Jan-1999: add NEW For new organization ;12-Jan-1999: add ONT Office National de la Telediffusion-Tunisia ;12-Jan-1999: add WHR World Harvest Radio ;12-Jan-1999: add HRA World Harvest Radio ;12-Jan-1999: add MLT Voice of the Mediterranean-Malta ;06-Jan-1999: add TRT Turkish Radio-TV Corp; ; ; ;-- -------------------------------------------------- ;CO BROADCASTER ;DE ;-- -------------------------------------------------- ABC ABC-Radio Australia ADM Abu Dhabi Media Company AGC Agência Goaiana de Comunicação (Brazil) AGM United States Agency for Global Media (USAGM) AIJ Two If By Sea Broadcasting Corporation AIR All India Radio ALI Radio Alislah ALR Radio Tirana, Albania AMP Radiodifusion America (Asuncion, Paraguay) AMZ Radio Nacional da Amazonia (Brazil) ANT ANTI, Milano APA Radio Aparecida (Brazil) ARA Rádio Araguaia Ltda. (Brazil) ARD Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Rundfunkanst. Deutschlands ARM Radio of Armenia ARS Broadcasting Serv. of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia AWR Adventist World Radio BAB Babcock Communications BAN Rádio e Televisão bandeirantes Ltda. (Brazil) BBC BBC Worldservice BBS Bhutan Broadcasting Service BCE Broadcasting Center Europe S.A. BCQ Allan H. Weiner BIX BitExpress (Germany) BOH Grace Missionary Baptist Church, Inc. BRB Broadcast Belgium BRC Bahrain Radio & Television Corporation BTC Belarusian Tele-radio Company (Belarus) BWW Leap of Faith, Inc. C29 Channel 292 (Germany) CAF Channel Africa CBB Caribbean Beacon CFI Rádio Cultura de Foz do Iguaçu Ltda.(Brazil) CHW Christliche Wissenschaft CLU Sistema Clube de Comunicação (Brazil) CNR China National Radio CRI China Radio International CSP Christian Science Shortwave Broadcasts CVC CVC CVO Christian Voice DEN Studio Denakker DIB Maldives Radio & Television DJR Djibouti Radio DRM Digital Radio Mondial DTK Media Broadcast GmbH (former:Deutsche Telekom) DVB Dem. Voice of Burma DWD Deutscher Wetterdienst DWL Deutsche Welle E24 Europa 24 (Germany) EBC Emirates Broadcasting Corporation EMI Emirates Media EMR European Music Radio EMX Radio Educacion (Mexico) ENC Encompass Digital Media Services ERA Voice of Greece ERT Hellenic Broadcasting Corp. S.A. - Voice of Greece ERU Egypt Radio & TV Union EUR Radio Europe Netherlands EWN Eternal Word Television Network, Inc. FBS Far East Broadcasting Company, Inc. FCL Fundação Cásper Líbero (Brazil) FEB FEBA Radio FEC Far East Broadcasting Company FGM Fang Guang Ming Radio FLM Fiangonana Loterana Malagasy (Malagasy Lutheran Ch FMP Fundação Metropolitana Paulista (Brazil) FPA Fundação Padre Anchieta (Brazil) FPU Free Press Unlimited (Amsterdam) GAU Rádio Gaúcha Ltda. (Brazil) GEM Governo do Estado do Maranhão (Brazil) GJA George Jacobs & Associates, Inc. GLO Rádio Globo Ltda. (Brazil) GNW Good News World Radio GRJ Sociedade Rádio Guarujá Ltda. (Brazil) GRP Radio Guaruja Paulista (Brazil) GSP Rádio Globo de São Paulo Ltda. (Brazil) GTG Blue Ridge Communications, Inc. GUA SA Rádio Guarani (Brazil) GUI Rádio Guaíba Ltda (Brazil) GUN Gunaz Radio, (Belgium) H.A LeSea Broadcasting Corporation HBN Republic of Palau HCA HCJB Australia HCJ Voice of the Andes HIC Croatian Information Center (Hrvatski Inf. Centar) HLR Hamburger Lokalradio e.V. HNG BMGE trial HRA World Harvest Radio HRI LeSea Broadcasting Corporation HRT Hrvatska Radio - Televizija (Croatian Radio-TV) HSW LeSea Broadcasting Corporation IBB International Broadcasting Bureau IBR IBRA Radio IBT Iraqi Broadcasting Radio & Television Establ. ICN Broccoli Trash Metal & Grunge, Netherlands IMF International Fellowship of Churches, Inc. IMN Iraqi Media Network INB World International Broadcasters, Inc. INC Rádio Inconfidência Ltda. (Brazil) INT Radio of Mediterranean IPE Turms Tech LLC IRB Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting ISL Iceland Radio ITA Rádio Itatiaia Ltda. (Brazil) JCI Japan Center for Intercultural Communications JCR World Wide Gospel Radio, Inc. JES Our Lady's Youth Center JHR Hill Radio International JIC Japan International Communications JIE Word Broadcasting Network, Inc. JP2 Fundação João Paulo II (Brazil) JPN Fundação José de Paiva Netto (Brazil) JRC Joode Radiocommunications Consultancy (The Netherl JRT Jordan Radio & Television KAZ Radio of Kazakhstan KBC Kenya Broadcasting Corporation KBS Korean Broadcasting System KCB Korean Central Broadcasting Station KOL Kol Israel KRI Koode Radio International KTB Kazakhstan Television & Broadcasting Corporation LBN Lebanon Radio LHL L'Heure Lutherienne LNC Libyan National Broadcast Channel LNR Lao National Radio & Television LRC Latvia State Radio and Television Centre LRT Lithuanian National Radio and TV MAR Rádio Marumby Ltda. (Brazil) MBC Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation MBR Media Broadcast GmbH MCR MediaCorp Radio (SNG) MEZ Voice of Mezopotamya MGB Malagasy Glabal Business S.A. MIK Mike Radio MIL Radio Mil Mexico MIR Radio Miraya (South Sudan) MLK Assemblies of Yahweh MLT Voice of the Mediterranean-Malta MND MND Radio MNO Merlin Network One MOL Radio of Moldavia MRA Mezopotamian Radio & Television MRC Radiodiffusion-Television Marocaine MRT Mongol Radio & Television MTN Mauritiania Radio MTR Mali Television et Radio MVB Baltic Radio (Germany) MWV World Christian Broadcasting (USA) NBA National Broadcaster of Bangladesh NBP National Broadcasting Corp. of Papua New Guinea NBT NBS of Thailand NDP Rádio Novas de Paz Ltda.(Brazil) NEW For new organization NHK Nippon Hoso Kyokai NLS World Christian Broadcasting Corporation NRC National Radio Company of Ukraine NSB Nihon Short-wave Broadc. Co. OMR Rockpower ONT Office National de la Telediffusion-Tunisia ORF Oesterreichischer Rundfunk PBC Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation PBS Philippines Broadcasting Service PIE Radio Piepzender PLA Plummer Applications PNW Press Now PRW Polish Radio Warsaw QBS Qatar Broadcasting Service QHR Que Huong Radio RA- Radio Algiers International RAC Radio Casanova International RAE Radiodifusion Argentina al Exterior RAI Radio Televisione Italiana RBL Radio Byelirussia RBP Radio Budapest RBU Radio Bulgaria RCI Radio Canada International RCS Radio Corporation of Singapore RDB Radiobrás Empresa Brasileira de Comunicação Ltda ( RDI Radio Delta International RDK Radio Danmark RDP Radiodifusao Portuguesa, SA RDR HFCC, Intl. Radio for Disaster Relief project REC Rádio e Televisão Record Ltda.(Brazil) REE Radio Exterior de Espana RET Radio Ethiopia RFI Radio France Internationale RFP Radio For Peace International RFU Radio Free Ukraine RFV Radio Free Vietnam RHC Radio Habana Cuba (Cuba) RHI Radio Huriyo Zthiopien RKG Radio of Kirghizia RKP Radio Klein Paris International (Germany) RKW Ministry of Information - State of Kuwait RLA Radio-Lead Africa RLB Radio Liberty RME Radio Merkurs (Latvia) RMI Radio Miami International RMP Radio Mariya RMT Radio Marti RMX Radio Mexico International (Mexico) RNA Radio Nacional de Angola RNB Radio Nacional do Brasil RNE Radio Nepal RNG Radio Nicaragua RNI Radio Norway International RNL Radio Nile RNO WRNO Worldwide, Inc. RNP Rádio Nacional do Brasil RNV Radio Nacional de Venezuela RNW Radio Nederland Wereldomroep RNZ Radio New Zealand ROC Fundação Nossa Senhor do Rocio (Brazil) RON Radio Onda ASBL RPI Radio for Peace International (Costa Rica) RPR Radio Prague RRI Radio Republic of Indonesia RRM Rádio Rio Mar Ltda.(Brazil) RRO Radio Romania International RRS Radio Russia RRT Fundação Sistema RTM de Rádio e Televisão (Brazil) RSH Radio 700 RSI Radio Singapore International RSO Radio Sultanate of Oman RSW Radio Sweden International RTA Radio Television of Afghanistan RTB Radio Television Belgium French RTD Radio & Television of Dubai RTE Radio Telefis Eireann RTK Radio of Turkmenistan RTM Radio Television Malaysia RTT Tunesian Radio & TV RUI Radio Ukraine International RUM Rádio Universitária Metropolitana (Brazil) RVA Radio Veritas Asia RVP Radio Voice of the People SAB South African Broadcasting Corporation SBC Sudan National Broadcasting Corporation SDA Adventist Broadcasting Service, Inc. SEN Rádio Senado (Brazil) SHB Herald Broadcasting Syndicate, Inc. SIB Solomon Islands Broadcasting SKK Senter for Kristen Kringkasting SLB Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation SMD SM Radio Dessau (Germany) SOR Somalia Radio SPW SPW Radio Warsaw - Transatlantic Radio Station Cul SRI Swiss Radio International SRL South African Radio League SRO Radio Slovakia ST2 SE-TA 2 (Germany) SUN Sunrise Radio SWR Shortwave Radio Services (Germany) SWS Radio SWS (Germany) SYR Syria Radio & Television Corporation TBN Trinity Christian Center of Santa Ana TDA Telediffusion d'Algerie TDF TDF (France) TDJ Radio of Tadjikistan TDP TDP Radio TJC Grace Baptist Church TMI Transformation Media International, LP TOE Radio208 TOM The Overcomer Ministry TRT Turkish Radio-TV Corp TUP Rádio Tupi Ltda. (Brazil) TWR Trans World Radio TWW Leap of Faith, Inc. UCB United Christian Broadcasting Ltd. (England) UMC The United Methodist Church (USA) UNL Universelles Leben UNR United Nations Radio UZB Radio of Uzbekistan VAT Vatican Radio VBT Vanuatu Broadcasting and Television Corporation VCA Voice of Canada VIL Voice International Limited VIO Radio OZ-Viola VOA Voice of America VOC Voz Christiana (Chile) VOD Voice of Deleverance VOH Voice of Hope VOM Voice of Myanmar VOO Voice of Orthodoxy VOP Voice of Palestine VOR Voice of Russia VOT Voice of Tibet VOV Voice of Vietnam VRT Vlaamse Radio en Televisie VTC VT Communications WAR LeSea Broadcasting Corporation WBS Charles C. Josey WCR WNQM, Inc. WHR World Harvest Radio WIB World International Broadcasters WMR World Music Radio WRB Blue Ridge Communications, Inc. WRN World Radio Network YER Yemen Radio & Television YFR Family Stations, Inc. YLE Oy Yleisradio YRT Yugoslav Radio-Television ZNB Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation ZRC Zilionis Radio TV Consulting, Lithuania