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Digital Trends Reports 2021

The Digital Trends reports – a new ITU publication series - provide regional overviews of trends and developments in ICT infrastructure, access and use within each region. The reports highlight changes in ICT adoption and during the Covid-19 pandemic, track the evolution of regulation, and review progress and challenges in the area of the ITU Regional Initiatives for each ​region. The reports can be used as a reference for reviewing progress and identifying ICT development priorities in each region.

The regional Digital Trends Reports 2021 were published between January-April 2021, in conjunction with the six Regional Preparatory meetings (RPMs).​

Digital Trends Europe​ 20​21
Digital Trends Asia-Pac​if​ic ​2021
Digital Trends Af​ric​a 2021
Digital Trends Arab States 2021
Digital Trends CIS​ 2021
​Digital Trends Americas 2021​