Participation to the WTDC

​​​​The Secretary-General, after consulting the Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT), sends an invitation to the administration of each Member State, to the ITU-D Sector Members, to the organizations and institutions referred to in the relevant provisions of Article 25 of the ITU Convention as well as to Palestine in accordance with Resolution 99 (Rev. Dubai, 2018) and to Academia in accordance with Resolution 169 (Rev. Dubai, 201​8).

Credentials to attend WTDC are not needed. However, any Member State or Sector Member intending to send a delegation or​ representatives to WTDC shall so inform the Director of BDT indicating the names and functions of all members of the delegation or of the representatives (N°. 339 of the ITU Convention).

​To ensure that the necessary arrangements can be made in a timely fashion, Member States and Sector Members wishing to participate in WTDC ​and organizations, agencies and other entities that are eligible to attend as observers under Article 25 of the ITU Convention or Resolution 99 (Rev. Dubai, 2018) or Resolution 169 (Rev. Dubai, 2018) are requested to register online.​