Scott W Minehane
Managing Director, Windsor Place Consulting Pty Ltd
​Scott W Minehane is an international regulatory and strategy lawyer/economist and has been involved in advising investors, operators, Governments and regulators in Australia, Asia, the Pacific and Africa for over 30 years. His expertise extends to t​elecommunications policy, legislative drafting, regulation, digital content, spectrum management, national broadband networks, new generation fixed and mobile technologies including 5G, online service regulation, competition law and the app economy.
He is the principal of Windsor Place Consulting Pty Ltd an independent consultancy practice, through which he has advised a range of Governments, leading corporates and organisations including inter alia the Australian, South Australian and Victorian Governments, Asian and Pacific telecommunications regulators and international organisations including International Telecommunications Union (ITU), World Bank, IFC, ASEAN Secretariat, APT, APEC Business Advisory Council, and the GSMA.  

Among a range of publications, Scott recently authored two ITU Reports “Pandemic in the Internet Age:  communications industry responses: GSR Discussion paper on ensuring connectivity and business continuity key lessons learned (June 2020) and “Pandemic in the Internet Age: From second wave to new normal, recovery, adaptation, and resilience” (May 2021).  He is also currently undertaking ITU Study of Asia-Pacific regional trends on providing access to IMT bands for mobile broadband (forthcoming), and has prepared reports on 5G Readiness for major Asian and African countries.  Scott is the presenter of APT workshop series entitled Allocation and Licensing of Spectrum for 5G in Asia-Pacific which commenced in June 2021.

Prior to the establishment of Windsor Place Consulting in 2000, Scott was a Director and Principal Consultant at Cutler & Company (1993-2000) and Acting Director of Telecommunications Section within the Australian Government’s then Department of Industry, Technology and Commerce.  In the latter role he worked on the sale of AUSSAT and licensing of Australia’s second carrier (to Optus - 1991) and the third mobile operator (to Vodafone - 1992).

Scott has a Bachelor of Economics (1986) majoring in micro and macro economics, a Bachelor of Laws (1991) from the University of Queensland and holds a Master of Laws specialising in Communications and Asian Law from the University of Melbourne (1998).

Linkedin profile at https://au.linkedin.com/pub/scott-w-minehane/0/1b5/b8b  
