

Vasily Dolmatov  

Vasily Dolmatov

ITU-T Study Group 17 Vicechair, WP1/17 Chairman,
Technology advisor and Head of Division of perspective investigations of Joint Stock "Research and production company "Kryptonite".

Vasily Dolmatov has been working in the Internet development since 2000, when he became a member of Coordination Group of ccTLD .RU, then he continued his work as a Council Member of Coordination Centre of ccTLD .RU.

Vasily was actively participating in IETF working groups and is continuing to work in the direction of building means of secure communications of crucial information necessary for network operation.

He has been contributing to the development of multiple RFCs setting international standards in the area of Internet technologies, and has been a co-author of Russian federal standards in informational security field.

Since 2014 he is actively working in Standardization section of International Telecommunication Union (ITU-T), and in 2016 he was elected Vice-Chairman of Study Group 17 “Security” of ITU-T.