

Irwin Gerszberg  

Irwin Gerszberg

AT&T Fellow, Distinguished Member of Technical Staff for AT&T Labs in Middletown, NJ.

He is responsible for Advanced RF Research technologies on Department of Defense 5G mobility projects, emerging broadband infrastructure such as Project AirGig™, and the Science and Technology Innovation Center.

He holds a Bachelor’s degree and a Master’s in Computer Science from the New Jersey Institute of Technology and Stevens Institute of Technology. He joined the AT&T Bell System in 1978 where he spearheaded one of AT&T's first speech response/voice recognition systems. After joining AT&T’s Wireless unit in 1989, he was responsible for the development of numerous advanced wireless technologies and services.

He holds an amazing record, 640 patents with the United States Patent Office on advanced technologies covering a vast array of wireless, wired, and emerging broadband technologies.