

Romel Espinoza  

Engineer Romel Espinosa Reyes

Director of Telecommunications Policies and Postal Affairs,

​Ministry of Telecommunications and the Information Society (MINTEL), Ecuador ​

​Romel Espinosa is an Electronics and Telecommunications Engineer who graduated from the National Polytechnic School and has a master's degree in Telecommunications Engineering Technology obtained from the Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York, United States.

He has nine years of experience working in the private and public sectors, in the telecommunications sector. His work is focused on the provision of Internet access in rural areas, universal service, policy formulation, and regulation of the telecommunications and postal sector.

Currently, as Director of Telecommunications and Postal Affairs Policy, he works in initiatives and projects that allow the design and implementation of solutions to provide Internet access in those rural communities that do not have access to connectivity through the adoption of emerging technologies and facilitating its adoption in Ecuador.​

Disclaimer: The content of this page has been translated from the ​original version in Spanish.