Walid David  

H.E. Walid David

Vice-Minister of Connectivity of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of Colombia (MinTic)

Civil Engineer from the Universidad de Los Andes, International Master in Business Administration from the Instituto de Empresas de Madrid (Spain).

He has an extensive professional career with 25 years of experience, 7 years of them in the public sector, which have allowed him to build a social perspective and dynamic execution as well as trust and balance for the sector's markets, essential to comply with the objectives and challenges of the vice ministry of connectivity.

David has experience in project management, leading not only civil works but also technological works for the public and private sector. He began in the public sphere in 2012, when he served as a private secretary in the Mayor's Office of Barranquilla. Later, he served as the mobility secretary, where he designed strategies and new models to significantly improve traffic in the city.

His previous position was as an advisor to Minister Karen Abudinen. In his extensive career, work stands out such as Director of Transportation at the Spanish multinational INDRA, Administrative Director at the Institute of Family Welfare and Project Advisor for the Ministry of Housing and the Ministry of Transportation.

His first great achievement associated with technology was obtained when he was 25 years old when managing the project that built the node of the old Telecom through which the first international fibre optic arrived in Colombia.