Recommendation ITU-T Z.105 (06/2021) Specification and Description Language – SDL-2010 combined with ASN.1 modules
Table of Contents
1 Scope and objective
     1.1 Objective
     1.2 The characteristics of the combination of SDL-2010 and ASN.1 modules
     1.3 ASN.1 that is usable in combination with SDL-2010
     1.4 The structure of this Recommendation
2 References
3 Definitions
     3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
     3.2 Term defined in this Recommendation
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6 Package
7 Definition and use of data
     7.1 Name mapping
     7.2 Variable and data definitions
          7.2.1 Type assignment
          7.2.2 Value assignment
     7.3 Type expressions
          7.3.1 Sequence
          7.3.2 Sequenceof
          7.3.3 Choice
          7.3.4 Enumerated
          7.3.5 Integer
          7.3.6 ValueRange
          7.3.7 BitString
          7.3.8 OctetString
          7.3.9 Setof
     7.4 Range condition and size constraint
     7.5 Value expressions
          7.5.1 Choice value
          7.5.2 Composite primary
      Sequence value
      Sequence of value
      Object identifier value
      Real value
      Integer value
      Boolean value
          7.5.3 String primary
          7.5.4 Element set specification
8 Mapping for information objects, classes and object sets
     8.1 Introduction
     8.2 Information object class definition and assignment
     8.3 Information object class field type
     8.4 Information object definition and assignment
     8.5 Information from information objects
     8.6 Constraint specification
          8.6.1 User-defined constraints
          8.6.2 Table constraints
9 Mapping of parameterized ASN.1 specifications
     9.1 Parameterized assignment
     9.2 Parameterized type assignment
     9.3 Referencing ASN.1 parameterized type definitions
     9.4 Referencing ASN.1 parameterized value definitions
     9.5 Referencing other ASN.1 parameterized definitions
10 Definitions in package Predefined for SDL-2010