Table of Contents

 1     Scope          
 2     References
 3     Definitions
        3.1     Terms defined elsewhere       
        3.2     Terms defined in this Recommendation           
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms             
 5     Conventions            
 6     Accessible smart applications to support IoT              
 7     User interface accessibility requirements for smart applications        
        7.1     UI requirements to perceive information         
        7.2     UI requirements to understand information   
        7.3     UI requirements to perform operation              
        7.4     UI requirements for assistive technology         
Appendix I – Use cases indicating the need for the accessible user interface of smart applications supporting the Internet of things (IoT)    
        I.1     Providing alternative texts       
        I.2     Providing proper focus structure           
        I.3     Providing caption and sign interpretation         