Table of Contents

1      Scope          
2      References
3      Definitions
       3.1      Terms defined elsewhere       
       3.2      Terms defined in this Recommendation           
4      Abbreviations and acronyms             
5      Conventions            
 6     Introduction of IoT-related crowdsourced systems 
       6.1      Concept of IoT-related crowdsourced systems
       6.2      Reference model of IoT-related crowdsourced systems             
 7     Service requirements of IoT-related crowdsourced systems
        7.1     Service requirements of the crowdsourcing platform  
       7.2      Service requirements of the crowdsourced resources
 8     Capability framework of IoT-related crowdsourced systems
       8.1      Overview       
       8.2      Capabilities of the crowdsourcing platform     
       8.3      Capabilities of the crowdsourced resources